Places I've visited already: SH, Blackroot, Dernholm, Tarrant, Ashbury. Is there a trainer in one of these cities? Thank you
Blackroot should work. Talk to the Elite Bow captain. He can give you expert training in bow and prowling.
Does he really? I know there's a miniquest for the prowling master that starts at "Mysterious Location" and a note in a stump. never did it, as I never played a thief. Does that quest end in him?
I found the expert trainer in Dernholm, and he's the guy that gives you the note for the master trainer search.
Prowling Master The prowling master (A.L. = Albert Leeks) is in the Sobbing Onion, and you can only receive training after recovering the note from the stump (and reading it by the open flame of the inn)
You can get expert training from the elite bow captains in Dernholm and Caladon and Mr Black in the Tarant blackmarket can also train you. All of these people will give you a note leading to Albert Leeks (perhaps related to Richard Leeks of Stillwater).
The master quest goes like this I believe. 1)Note off expert trainer, you may have to ask it off the guy in Blackroot. The blackmarket guy just give it to you. 2)Note from room 4 in the Caladon Inn 3)Glasses from under the bed in room 4. 4)Looking at the painting in the room while wearing the glasses add a mysterious location to your map. 5)In the tree stump behing the dead body in the location. 6)Click on the fire in the inn so you walk up to it and then read the note. 7) Head to the Caladon pub and speak to A.L if you don't have high perception you may need him to buy u a few drinks. He will then train you and give you the ring of concelment. (+2 Prowling)
The funny thing about this master quest is that I had finished it at least twice before I ever noticed the glasses under the bed. I stumbled onto the mysterious location on my way to Caladon the very first time I went there and found the note in the stump after fighting off all those nasty brute fangs. aranoid: So I knew about the location and had gone there for the note, and the experience, several times before I actually found the glasses that gave me the clue to find it. I had always wondered how I was supposed to make the connection, but had assumed that the note in the room referred to the stump, not the bed, because I already knew about the stump. I guessed who A.L. was without the notes, but had to get all of them to get him to train me. :lol: