Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Truthsayer, Dec 13, 2003.

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  1. Qilikatal

    Qilikatal New Member

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    Feb 22, 2002
    We would what? hey if a man gets of on watching girls (i´m presuming you are talking about old enough girls) having fun with strap ons fine by me. as long as he can find the girls to do it for him freely. I would object only if he bought prostitutes to have his fun since i think the thought of supporting that buissnis disgusting. (damn fucking hangover my fingers don´t work yet)

    As for TS he is defintely a troll, who probably now is sitting in his chair laughing at you and sigurd for defending him and for the chaos he has started. Don´t be usefull idiots for a fucking troll now because it won´t lead anywhere.
  2. Sleek_Jeek

    Sleek_Jeek New Member

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    Jul 2, 2003
    Its ok, you're just an idiotic 13 year old schmoe. I wasn't too different from you around your age. Hell, I was even in Naval Junior ROTC for 2 1/2 years of high school and considered myself a hardcore republican until I realized that there are so many more, easier, happier ways to get along with your fellow man and live in peace other than complete idioligical homogenization.

    As for the rest of you homophobes, perhaps when you stop troubling yourselves with other people's problems and concentrate on your own you'll understand that concrete solutions are a little more complex than drawing as broad a conclusion as "Being gay is wrong, its a sin against god." That conclusion is SO old testament. Jesus Christ, as a mystic pacifist, would not be so millitant in his disagreements. Think of Christ as Ghandi, not Jerry Falwell.
  3. Tholtan DarkOne

    Tholtan DarkOne New Member

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    Nov 26, 2003
    Congratulations, TS! :thumbup: You are quite good at your job (I mean trolling). I had never laughed more! :D It's very funky, how some guy's opinions can anger people like that (if it was really your opinions after all). But this is your last good troll. I think people won't answer your next post. :lol:
  4. Jinxed

    Jinxed Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 13, 2001
    This quote:
    Is mine, taken from the old days when I was trying to explain something to Bortiss...
  5. Wolf

    Wolf New Member

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    Sep 24, 2003
    Like I said, I'm not a homphobe. I just think it's unnatural. I happen to know a gay man, and I got along with him quite well. Your bagging of Truthsayer is pointless. This topic should be locked now.
  6. Icairus

    Icairus New Member

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    Oct 12, 2002
    What the fuck do you mean by "unnatural." If you mean against nature, then you are unnatural as well. I mean, damn, if you were still with nature you would still be in the trees instead of spreading idiocy on the internet.

    Wolf, moments ago you agreed 100% with someone who was bitching that this topic was practicing a form of censorship by disagreeing.
    You now think that it should be locked. Isn't that a much stronger form of censorship?
  7. Wolf

    Wolf New Member

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    Sep 24, 2003
    Obviously this topic is only going to be a scource of more flaming. That's all it is. That's why it should be locked. If being gay isn't unnatural, what is? Can't you see past your accepting of gays(as I do) and admit that it is unnatural? Think about. What's the point of sex? To reproduce. Do gay men do that? No. There you go. Being gay is unnatural.
  8. Canis

    Canis New Member

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    Nov 17, 2002
    If you think the only point of sex is to reproduce.... Jesus I pity any woman stupid enough to go out with you. Hopefully you're too young to have experienced the pleasure that comes with sex, and too poorly educated to know about the importance of sex in human and other animal societies, and are just talking out of your ass again. Like when you called Morrowind an RPG.... It goes WAY beyond reproduction, small one. If you believe that sex is only for reproduction you'll soon find yourself on a slippery slope of destructive Pythonesque Catholic morality that says sex is only natural if you don't enjoy it, and that masturbation is right out. Along with French ticklers....

    Not every flame thread should be locked. These are fun. See? FUN. PEOPLE DERIVE PLEASURE FROM SUCH ACTIVITY, THAT IS THE PURPOSE.
  9. labyrinthian

    labyrinthian New Member

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    Sep 9, 2003
    Anybody else study binobo primates in a college anthro class? Those little bastards are great. They have sex with pretty much everything, males, females, trees, rocks, other species. I suppose they hope to cross breed with wild ferns, and that is the only reason they do the green deed. Or maybe they're unnatural apes? They've survived pretty well as a species...

    Face it, Wolfman, people have sexual urges, and though in terms of the survival of the species the purpose of those urges is sexual reproduction, that fact in no way closes the book on the complexities and vagaries of sex in the human mind. And when it comes to a homosexual, we have a simple fact: he or she is simply attracted to the same sex, whether you like or not. Nobody really knows wy, though some recent research is pointing tot he idea that gay men are mostly "genetically gay" with environmental factors that influence whether the proclivity comes to a head. Gay women seem, at least at the moment, to be mostly if not entirely a product of environment.

    Nothing that evolves is unnatural. Certain traits may not further the survival of the species, but if they do not threaten that survival, they remain as vestigial traits. Considering the fact that human beings have a propensity for sporadic homosexuality, either it furthered our species or one of our progenitors, or it did not and has not harmed us, and so remains. Kindof like head hair. We don't really need it, but isn't doing any harm, so we still have it.
  10. Chalupa Cobra

    Chalupa Cobra New Member

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    Jul 29, 2003
    What a wonderful nick Truthsayer has chosen for him/herself for this one-time trolling. The only thing that somewhat concerns me is that the quotes that TS chose really weren't anonymous but taken from this selfsame board at differing times from the distant past. It makes me wonder whether TS is really someone who was snubbed a while back and is now masquerading as a different person for nefarious and unwholesome purposes. This whole scenario has been an exemplary show of Kant's theory of thesis/antithesis/synthesis. I hope you are all wiser for it, except for you, Wolf -- you will not be able to grasp the concepts set out here until years hence, and I merely pity you. A good starting point for you might be to explicitly define what the word "natural" means.
  11. Wolf

    Wolf New Member

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    Sep 24, 2003
    Why does sex feel good? Because if it didn't then there'd be a lot less people doing it. Sex is for reproduction. Surely you're intelligent enough to realise that's the reason. Of course people don't always do it for reproduction, that's why we have condoms. If you think everything that evolved is unnatural, then I say there is no unatural. Plastic is natural because its ingredients are natural.
  12. mrnobodie

    mrnobodie New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 6, 2001
    I'm sorry?... What?.
  13. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 10, 2001
  14. labyrinthian

    labyrinthian New Member

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    Sep 9, 2003
    Dude, Wolf, I've got an introductory book in logic I can recommend to you. Jesus flying assnut, plastic didn't evolve!
  15. Sleek_Jeek

    Sleek_Jeek New Member

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    Jul 2, 2003
    OHHHHHH he KNOWS a homosexual!

    I apologize Mr. Wolf, this changes my opinion on everything you sigurd, and matah have recently posted. You aare obviously well qualified to judge the actions of other people with abandon. Hell, I guess its time for me to load up on rifle ammo, bibles and pipe bombs. Time to go blow up Plan Parenthood.

    Please stop trying to argue, what grade are you in? Half of the people you are arguing against have, or are recieving college educations and the only experience you have is KNOWING a homosexual and whatever you've been told at your church, or school. Trust me when I say you won't be such an idiot when you're a few years older. But until then, I can only consider everything you say to be a poorly summarized version of what you've been told by your parents, priest and school teachers.

    Its not that you're stupid, you've just got no perspective yet because you're not even tall enough to look over your parents shoulder and get a glimpse of the real world.

    Now go read something.
  16. Vorak

    Vorak Administrator Staff Member

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    Sep 15, 2003
    Hey, this is a firery thread CALM DOWN PEOPLE!!

    I'm no Homophobe, I'm not gay and do not plan on ever being, but I do believe that people should be free to state their own opinions, I mean if Truthsayer (Caltrop?) believes that then so be it.

    Although I do agree with Sigurd and would like to point out that MatahChuah is correct on the bible thing (I always thought Cane and Able were gay, I mean two guys living together 24 hours a day, I bet that murder stemmed from a relationship problem).
  17. labyrinthian

    labyrinthian New Member

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    Sep 9, 2003
    Uh, Cane and Abel were BROTHERS! Do you fuck your siblings?

    People may voice their opinions. Yes. But ignorance is the greatest evil, and should never, under any circumstances, be tolerated. Thus the flame.
  18. Wolf

    Wolf New Member

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    Sep 24, 2003
    Whoa, Sleek, you are retarded. I am going to stop arguing because I know if I do, I'll get pissed off, and you'll get some illusion that you've won. One last comment, if I'm an idiot, then I must have evolved that way. You people are so caught up with the your desire to be moral peopleyoucan't even admit being gay is unnatural. You've completely misundertood me, so piss off, get some communication skills, and come back when you're not a piece of shit.
  19. Settler

    Settler Member

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    Jul 6, 2002
    I'd just like to get this out of the way. On a very personal, one-on-one basis, I have a mild dislike for some homosexuals. Especially, to quote the Simpsons "flaming" homosexuals. I find them irritating. This is not anything to do with religion, or the natural order of things, or any of that Christian rhetoric. I don't blindly dislike gays, but I find that I don't like a vast number of them on an independent, individual level. If they were straight and acted the same way, I would still dislike them.

    On rights, I believe homosexuals should have largely equal rights, but if the Catholic Church wants to bar them, that's quite alright with me. In fact, even though I'm not religious, I think they should: if it is dead-set against their beliefs, why would they even consider it?
  20. Rosselli

    Rosselli New Member

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    Oct 28, 2003
    Damn...I should have known better than to post an angry, but well-formed and cohesive opinion and then leave for three days. Well, since this thread has degenerated into a flame war mostly involving Icairus, Sleek, Dark Elf and Wolf....
    You guys all suck! I hate you all for no reason other than it's fun to type angry things like this! Fuck you all, you fucking bastards! Let's meet in real life and have a shootout!
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