I have just gotten the job of "cleansing" Stillwater from Min Gorad and did excatly that when I relaised somthing.... I used the MC-RS trick to take 4 Stillwaterians (Drogg Blacktooth, Adkin Chambers, Myrth and Brigette) as followers before actually getting I went to T'Seng Ang. Is this side-quest/job flagged on killing EVERY SINGLE Stillwaterian...meaning I have to figure out some way of whacking my makshift follwers in order to get the quest done? If so, do you think killing them, getting the quest, then ressurecting them will work? I suppose, I could use a poisoned item and have them "die" in Min Gorad's chamber then bring them back....
Look under your reputation if it says something like butcher of Stillwater, you have done it. If not, you've got some more killing to do.
I like going for the good-route, but stealing everything I can. That always works for me. Until I get to the point where I can... nevermind... that's a spoiler.
Whats the MC-RS trick you mentioned FourHorsemen? I have never heard about being able to have Chambers or Blacktooth as a follower.
#You don't have to kill everyone, I never bother to walk to the house of that guy studying the Stillwater Giant for one. #Don't do it with a dwarf, I did and if I wasn't wearing the Jewel of Hebe & a Small Smokers Jacket they attacked me as soon as I stepped foot in T'sen Ang, even though I was on their side. #I thought MC - RS ment Mind Control after Ressurecting tham, but that doesn't make sense because he just said he didn't want to kill them.
I suppose your a technologist, I was a mage so it didn't affect me so far as increasing beauty went. If you haven't killed them yet, get the Preistesses blessing and make a sacrifice to Geshtiana. Ummm, get a small smoking jacket, don't bother with a medallion of beauty, its magic. I can't remember if the Jewel of Hebe is neutral or not. The point is, drag yourself up to the point where they will just bearly tolerate your presence.