I know I need to talk to the guard before entering, but the only menu response that I can perform is "I must leave not". If I try and enter anyways, it tells me that "magical wards bar my entrance." Is there some weird thing goingon here. I have unistalled, reinstalled, patched the game a few times. What gives. :thumbdown:
Up til this point a variety of things. Done the following.. Crash site. Shrouded Hills Tarant (not sewers yet) on good terms with Gates Dernholm (not resolved taxes) Black Mountain Mine -- found crazy guy Isle Despair - finished all the quests there and brought back the dwarf with me. Wheel Clan - Found king but he remained in solitude, Despair dwarf in good graces now Stillwater - found elf, did giant to zoologist to PT's place back to elf, got the locations. just for fun stole his amulet, went to shrouded hills, gave to girl, then stole it back Went through mountain pass and then to Qintarra. Elf will talk to me ... but only choice is "gotta go" and can't enter the city. In two separate games, it has done this. Is the place anti tech? i wouldn't think so since you should be able to play tech guy and move on. sounds software related.
The one thing that does work to get into the city is to kill all the guards. Then I can enter, but then I have to fight all inhabitants and my followers start to hate me. What am I to do?
Sounds like a glitch or something. I've gone to Qintarra with all sorts of different charaters: good, evil, magic, tech, even an idiot. All of them were able to enter. According to your list, it sounds like you've done everything correctly in order to gain access to Qintarra. By the way, what exactly does the elf guard say when you talk to him?
well, as stated in first post... patched to latest version. downloaded from here (1.074 or soemthing like that). about to go ahead and do the killing spree if something else doesn't work. :thumbdown:
leave your followers outside qintara if you want to kill everyone inside...I think that they won't get angry if you do that...
What kind of character are you playing, i.e., race, intelligence, good/evil ratio, etc? A few of those might make a big enough difference if combined just right to cause what you are describing. Although, I must admit that I've never managed to do that, but I've never really played very many dumb characters and kept them dumb long enough to reach Qintarra. Also, are you playing one of the standard backgrounds or one that you have downloaded or created? Sometimes backgrounds can be faulty and that can cause all kinds of problems.