Just wondering if anybody else watched the premiere of the comeback season of Farscape. I have only watched part 1 thus far and am waiting to watch part 2 tonight. IF you watched the show: what did you think of it? think it will last? did it meet your expectations? what would you have liked to have seen? what would you like to see? did anybody else think that it was more of a story opener that a closing to the original story? could they have possibly started any more plots and sub-plots? AND how long will it take for Crichton and Aeryn to actually get married?
I stopped watching the show back when it ceased to be a narrative, and instead turned into a series of crichton flashbacks, and wacky psychic inner turmoil sequences. Has it been any different lately? I might start watching it again if it has.
Watched it! I love Farscape, though I was constantly annoyed by their habit of getting rid of Stark every time things got interesting. And in the fourth season I admit I couldn't tell the difference between Jool and Sikozu; totally thought they were the same person and I didn't understand why her name seemed to change. As continuations go I thought Peacekeeper Wars was great, and I loved how they got rid of Noranti after twenty minutes. They STILL feel the need to get rid of Stark in nearly every scene (knocking him out, beating him up, sending him off to fetch tea), and the person who's writing his dialoge now needs to be slapped, but at least he's back and has something to do. The return of Jothee I thought was just a tad forced; just once I'd like someone to die and stay dead. Besides Zhaan. Anyway, I thought it was fabulous, and I hope to see more miniseries. The official Farscape convention is next month and it'll take place in a hotel about five minutes from my house, but I can't decide whether it's worth the cost. Paul Goddard won't be there anyway.
LOL Sci-Fi conventions... I went to a star trek convention when I was 10, and I haven't even thought of going to one since. Book fairs are a different issue... One of the reasons I miss living in California is the UCLA book fair, festival whatever, thing they had every summer. God dammit, what a great place to have one too. I might not care about the whole Gigantic University mode of education, but what an amazing campus. AND THE BOOKS! THE BOOKS! I met he author of Logan's Run there when I was 16, what an amazing character! Unfortunately I didn't own a copy back then, and copies are hard to come by, (they're out of print) but I did finally get one 3 days before the end of my bike trip. I pulled up to a gas station thinking I was going to buy some more bottled water ( bottled? its just better that way, when you don't know where you are etc) and what do I discover? This is a Gas Station/ Used Book Store. You may type WTF, and I had the same reaction, but its where I found my copy of logan's run, as well as the original paper back edition of The Left Hand Of Darkness. God dammit I'm such a nerd. Anyway, Logan' Run is more famous for being a movie than a book, and for good reason. The movie is far superior, and its rare for me to admit such a thing. The book has some extremely far fetched shit going on in it, and some possible continuity confuddlements. Not necessarily continuity errors, the author just concentrates too much on the overly convoluted history of the world (especially convoluted for a 125 page book) and in the movie I find that its much better not knowing that, because its really much more about the rebirth of free society in a world gone mad. This movie/book comparison really illustrates how superfluous backstory can be. That said, I'm glad I own this rare book (even if it is the printing with the movie cover and color photos in the middle), because logan's run is one of my favorite classic Sci-Fi movies. You should all check it out, I think I bought the DVD for $9.99 NEW. What a deal.
God I love that show. I really wish I could have some of those toys too. Such fun. Plasma rifles and swords, the life of a luxon.
A friend of mine actually has a pulse pistol and a Bialar Crais figurine. So there are Farscape toys, just look on ebay. The miniseries is supposed to be a miniseries, not a jumping off point for continuing the series, but there have been rumors of a movie perhaps... we can hope. It was pretty good though, and i'd strongly recommend seeing it for anyone who saw any of the show. Admittedly, it got a little worse towards the end, and most of the newer characters sucked, and yes the two orange haired ones were indistinguishable, but it was still a damned good scifi show. And those are getting rare...
But the blue zen woman was awesome! SHE WAS A PLANT!! You can't mess with stuff like that, its impossible. She's awesome.
Sorry this wasnt posted sooner, but managment was doing some building repairs and couldnt get to pc. Anyway...I am not sure how to feel about the whole thing. I mean it was advertised for a number of months and seemed to be toted as a series and not a 2-part movie. What the hell were they thinking!?!? Immediately after the ending of part 2 I told myself "it was worth it" but in retrospect was it really? I am torn between wanting more and missing the show and happiness/gratitude at getting more of the show. It would have much nicer to know that it was only going to be a 3 hour movie shown in 2 parts(or even just the fact that it was only gonna be 3 hours!). Yet I feel the story was somehow gratifying and satisfied many wonderings and a few questions. I never had any problem telling the difference between Sikozu and Jool; they were completely different characters to me and as well the difference of species was easily recognizable. They did do a decent job of killing off a few of them: Jool on the water planet, Sikozu after Scorpy finds her out(traitorous bitch), and D'Argo's death seemed very fitting. I kinda liked the way things turned out with Stark as well(I rather liked his char) but wish deeply that I would absolutely love to see more of Farscape, but i fear it shall never happen. After The Peacekeeper Wars(TPW) the producers gave us a kind have end all. It picked up exactly where season four left us which was like not missing a beat for all those long months. And seeing the naming ceremony of Crichton and Aeryn's son was rather fitting to end the show and made the story feel complete. Although I would like to have known what happened after the naming of the child. Did they live in peace? And if they did, did they live aboard Moya? Or did they find some planet and free Moia and Pilot to their own whims? Upon browsing the Sci-Fi forums there are many mixed emotions, and I truly believe the questions asked the most could easily be covered in a season, or at least a half season. TPW was made due to the overwhelming flood of disappointment from fans(as well as a drop in convention attendance) yet it would have been nice to give us fans something more than just 3 hours worth of story. Could they tie up all loose ends and unanswered questions though in a single season; yet still have any original characters still alive?? How long would/will the peace last between Peacekeepers ans Scarrans really last? I mean of course they make a full season and end all the what ifs for fans. But it shall never happen due to marketing; for want creates need which keeps merchandising steady. And we wouldnt want all those corporate pigs losing money just for the sake of more great story of yearning for answering of questions, now would we?! Lets hope that sometime in the future(hopefully VERY near future) Sci-Fi is able to pull their heads from their asses long enough to see that Farscape fans want more than a three hour MINIseries(4 according to the site)!! I do not pray for another new episode, nor even another season; I simply am thankful that I wantched the show while it was on air and am grateful for the extra bit they finally gave us. DAMN!! Sorry bout the humungoid blurb there, but it all kinda just flowed out really fast and when I was done, I noticed that I had the beginnings of a novel. Well, there ya have it: my thoughts. I am curious to know what other Farscape fans thought of the MINIseries and the show over-all. :-o