OK, first of all, I usually don't set things down. I did by accident. I'm an idiot. Now, one of the things set down was a heartstone, from the Bedokaan village. Now it isn't there anymore. I already used one, can I get another one? Or are there only two heartstones in the entire game? And the one I set down, where did it go? Did it disappear?
I hope this can help... 1st: Did you check your followers? Generally, when you drop an object they pick it up. Sometimes this is really annoying, some others it's cool. 2nd: The last time I visited the Bedokaan Village, I found five heartstones. Look for them, walk around a bit, but don't use the map because you won't find them that way. Anyway, you only need three as a maximum.
Yes, I'm sure they didn't pick it up... where in the Bedokaan village are the other heartstones? Actually in the village, or to the north, west, east, etc.?
There are 5 Heartstones around the Bedokken village. Each one is on a separate "island". Run in a matrix pattern until you have enough. It takes 3 heartstones to complete all quests in Arcanum.
And when you say in the village, you mean your map icon is still in-town? Or within the circle of tents? I still can't find it..
The map Icon still shows that you're in town. You know the road you come to when you enter town? I belive there are 2 heart stones along that road, one on each side.
You still looking for Heartstones? Can't find the Bedokinn Village? If you have been there its on the World Wide Map. You have to be out of town to view the World Map.
If you can't find any, download the shopkeeper hack, this will make them be sold at the general store in Tarant for about 970 coins, (0 haggle).