My followers are losing respect for me for some reason. I saw somewhere that if you kill kites and undead, they start getting angry with you. It's the only thing that can explain their falling morale, as I have a 91 alignment and am using Virgil, Magnus, Gar, and Jayna (sp?). And my stuffy, morally upright character won't stoop to anything dishonorable. This started happening as I explore the Black Mountain Clan's Mines. I'm using the latest version of the game ( states that it had fixed an alignment shifting problem with the NPC's. Was this a different problem, or is this the one that they were talking about, and it actually didn't get fixed? If this has already been discussed, my apologies. Just point me to the appropriate thread, since I was getting impatient with the search key--it's a bit slow.
My beauty is a 9, charisma is 13. I noticed the drop in reaction when I was in the mines. Then, after demolishing another group of kites on a lower level of the mines, my followers reaction immediately dropped another 5 points and Magnus started talking about quitting.
Are you an elf? It might be the environment since it is a dwarven place. Dwarves and elves just don't get along.
Nope. Pure, grade-A human. And it's all my followers, not just Magnus. He just has the lowest reaction.
That's really odd. Though, come to think of it, the reactions of my party dropped pretty well when I played a human as well.
I'm telling you, I experimented with the situation, I litterly saw the reaction drop as I killed a kite bowman in the mines. The other are the tattered bowman in the Asbury castle but after the patch ther undead were fixed. But the kites still bring you down. But the reaction goes down only if YOU kill them if you let the follwers do that it they don't seem to mind
Have the same problem, but I noticed a significant change when I put on a nice suit that raised my reaction with 20 or so.. since beauty modifies reactions, I figured that raising it would do the trick. I haven't done it yet, though, so I don't know. Just a thought.
I had the same problem even with the patch, except nobody's alignment ever dropped when I killed kites. Just undead. At first I thought it was some kind of area curse from the mansion in Ashbury, because that's where I first encountered it. But it also happened in the Ancient Temple. I was lucky enough to be playing a high persuasion character, so the problem went away when I got 20 charisma (because of the 20 charisma perk). I only have a beauty of 8, but I thought that only affected initial encounters.
Ah, Jinxed, thanks. I was wondering if I just let the followers take care of business if it would be ok. I'll go back a couple of saves and try it out. By the way, and this is post-patch, the first time I noticed the drop was after I killed some undead bowman in some ruins I came across. So maybe they haven't fixed this bug completely like they thought they had.
What's the initial version of Arcanum (the version before patching) that you all are playing? The patch is for, you can find your version on the play disk in a text file. There seems to be alot wierd quirks in this game that I've been reading about, but none of them have been affecting me. I have, the only thing I've been getting is extra follower (this is a good thing), occasional slow downs, and a lock up here and there.
Glad to see someone has found out what the cause of the party member's drop in reaction... Virgil went from ~71 to 45... Guess I have to let them kill the kites...
I think part of the problem is that I would attack kites when they were yellow, or neutral. It seems that if I wait until they go hostile, my followers don't have a problem. Which really takes the fun out of being a nice-guy sniper sometimes.
Could it be that you have something with a reation penalty. I wore Dread Armor once and a shop keeper did not like it. I had Vergil wear it and i think it lowered his alignment. Only when i attack towns people does anyone complain. I have used harm on many creatures to start a fight but have not noticed this reaction. I would try checking for RP-X.