What in the world must one do to find out how to get to Caladon? I read in the book, "Curse of Tseng-Ang", that the guy with the last copy of "Horror Among the Dark Elves" lives in Caladon. However, no matter who I talk to or where I go, they will not tell me how to get to Caladon. Even Mr. Willoughsby, I think his name is, in all his mentionings of Caladon, would not tell me how to get there. Likewise, the Panarii priest in Tarant says I should go read their holy book or whatever it is in Caladon, however, he won't tell me how to get there. With whom must I talk, so that Caladon can be marked on my map? -D'vorjakque
You can get the co-ordinates from the terra arcanum site, or you can just take a boat there. It's probably easier to take a boat, as the pass is really hard the first time you try to go through. The boat can be taken from Tarant, and costs 100 a head. (that includes the dog's head, if she's with you)
I tried the boats I tried all of the Boats in Black Root, Tarant, and Ashbury, but none of them give me the option of sailing to Caladon. I guess I will just have to try using the cooridantes and walking there manually. -D'vorjakque
You must have Find Victor Minsk as your main quest if you want to go to Caladon. I have that problem also, but try reading that stupid book again. If it does not trigger that quest, then you can't talk to anyone about Caladon, so it won't be on your map.
Duting my gameplay, the reason I want to go to Caladon is because I want to achieve mastery in persuasion.