What's up with my NPCs? I recently started a new game, making a tech character. Thing is, my NPCs (Virgil, Marcus and Dog) are at 28-40 reaction to me. What the hell is up with that? I suppose the 'Son of Hero' thing is acting there, but still.... What in god's name have I been doing that's so damn bad? I didn't go killing pigs (I'm only level 12), and currently I'm in the Ashbury castle, where much of the drop happened. But seriously, this happened in my other game, although not as badly. My alignment meter is continually going up, and yet Virgil and Marcus both dislike me. Is the whole 'good/evil' thing way too sensitive, or are they genuinely concerned about me disrupting the delicate undead ecological balance in Ashbury?
Have you patched the game yet? There's some stupid bug in the earlier versions that does that to you, I think.
poor guy as I stated milions of times before there is a huge bug concerning tattered bowman and kite bowman. sometimes if you kill them the companions think your are killing good creatures. What you can do is let your followers do the killing.
I experienced a similar problem with Sogg and Virgil when going through the Black Mountains. Both of them dropped down to around 23(suspicious). I managed to bring Virgil up to a 43(neutral) by talking with him. Sogg, just got more pissed at me and kept on threatening to leave, so I eventually took back all the stuff I gave him and dropped him. All his whining was just irritating me. Anyway, my personal solution to this problem is this: from what I've read, there are certain NPC's who will pretty much stay with you no matter what you do. Dog is one of them. Dante is another, as long as you don't play the dialogue thread where you clear his name with King Praetor. Virgil will also stay with you, but you have to do some coaxing if you become too evil.
True. My latest character can't fight at all, so I let my followers protect her and I've been leveling up just fine.
Mmmmnnnnope. Never even played thief, never mind visit the forums. If you've been around the Freespace or Independence War II forums, you'd have seen me.
Good places to find me. Hard Light Productions NA IW board The VBB - Freespace forum Assorted others.