After searching, I could not find any posts about this, so I'll post it. Can't get in the Roseborough inn, the game will like "freeze" when clicking on the door, but I can move the mouse around & use the arrow keys to scroll, which gives a HOM (hall of mirrors effect) similar to 3d shooter games. Strangely I can hit "esc" and just reload, no lockups, anyone else have this bug? I know it's not a game-breaker though. I have the 1074 & Sinbad's patch, this is the only major problem I've had with the game. :-?
I've never experianced this and have no clue as to how to help you but I'll ask you the standard question anyway: Do you have the latest patch installed? ( Edit: misread the post.
I've had the same problem with Roseborough in general, but not the inn. If I wander too far from town, the screen begins to repeat itself 9hall of mirrors, like you said) and the game will sometimes lock up, but only if I continue to walk where the "mirrors" are present. Have you tried just bashing the door down, as opposed to opening it?
I think its that mod as I had the same problem when using it. I remember reading another post that addressed work-arounds for it, but I dont remember how I found it, only that it was in this thread. Try searching for 'roseborough' or 'sinbad' or 'ship'.
Sorry to re-animate a dead topic but I'm having the same problem but I tried looking up the other suggestions but can't find one that would be a solution to this problem. Can anyone help?