I was in the Bangellian(?) Deeps doing the quest for Stringy Pete when I equiped that Gurt sword. Immediately, Raven told me I was too evil for her to follow. I checked my alignment, it had gone down to -20. Before it had been +100. I challenge anyone to find a more evil weapon. :evil:
Dont really know if this is evil, but i would go with the blackstone blade. It continual fatigues you AND it randomly does the ston to flesh thingy on you when you hit :smile:
Here's the best part that people seem to forget: Every time you equip it you lose *gasp* 4 DX permemantly, which is forever you illeterate bastards. :evil: I heard there was a helm that was -20 alignment and +20 MA each equip.
Yes, the dark helm does that, and it also if equiped lowers your alignment another twenty each time you learn a new Spell. I thought it was a bug, at first, but i'm not sure anymore, it might be though ... cuz if you click to learn it, then unlearn it, before closing you Sheet, you still get the minus. <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: dine on 2001-10-03 05:06 ]</font>