I've been creating new ladies' footwear lately and have encountered an annoying bug: Although I start with Ladies Boots, then change the art to the new one, the moment I equip the modified shoes, all I get is black where the boot slot is. Hovering the mouse will tell you what's there but there's no image. Now, I've added the proper file name into the item_inven.mes but is there another mes I need to add this name to? (And yes, I do delete the modules/Arcanum/maps folder everytime.)
I've noticed that when an item moves from the inventory to the equipment slots, it changes size. Could that be your problem, or is everything normally scaled to proportion?
I just don't know for certain. Everything seems to scale when equipped, but... I've been scratching my head and ass with equal enthusiasm over that and a couple other things. But here's one thing I have learned in the past few hours: ChrisBeddoes made several new shoes for his hack and when I add one of those to my hack, it shows up when equipped. Even after converting to BMP then back again. So it has something to do with the way I'm making my new ART - which makes almost no sense. Taking Chris' shoes the full round trip would reset everything to what I'm doing, and yet his artwork is uneffected. Scenery, ground art, wall art, and inventory - they have no problems being visible. But when my new shoes are equipped, they disappear into black. Why? It just doesn't seem to make sense.
You should have 3 mes files in the data\art\item folder. item_ground item_inven item_paper Item_paper governs the art which is displayed when an item is equipped. If the item art for the inventory is of a standard size you can also use this art file for the equipped art. If it is not, then you must make a smaller equipped art image for the paper doll to display.
THANK YOU TONGS!! I'm going blind or senile.... or both.... Right there in front of me and I didn't even see it. Damn.