I read in another post that it was possible to buy the Bates mansion after his demise. Well here are a few alternitives, for those short of cash: 1. For those whom have mastered pickpocket, lift the key from the banker (located outside the zoological society);Or 2. For those who have mastery in the mental magic, Dominate Will on the banker and simply take it from his inventory before you release him (make sure you have him follow you to a desceet location as some ppl that are dominated will attack afterwards)
Do you get the manservants and other servants as well ? Thot they will be cute to have around. Too bad I cannot create statues like what I did in Baldurs Gate, charm them then petrify them. That will be nice.
I notice something that if you dominate his will for a long time, he will turn back to his initial reaction towards you. I only tried it once.