I found that there are files for Loghaire (as your follower) meeting Gilbert Bates and the two conversing! Since both these characters are speaking parts, I wanted to hear this. Unfortunately, when I brought Loghaire to Bates after the Isle of Despair - nothing. After the elves - nothing. Has anyone heard them talk or is this glitch? I didn't see any other pal # command for Loghaire calling a script in Bates's dialog file like there is for Nasrudin talking with Virgil and/or Raven.
Localized any actual sound files? If not, it could very well be that this is a feature left out, just like Perriman Smythe appears to have been intended to be Virgil or vice versa.
Here are the two text files as they work together: Spoiler BATES: Oh, my...Loghaire Thunder Stone...what are you doing here...? I mean, of course you are welcome here, your majesty...I, uh... LOGHAIRE: Greetings, Gilbert Bates. I must say...I never thought to lay eyes on you...the boy that changed the fate of so many. BATES: I don't know to say...I mean, I never meant to hurt anyone...Stennar was my only friend! How could I have meant him any harm! I was so young, and I didn't know what would come of all of this...how could I have possibly known? LOGHAIRE: Rest easy. I am as much to blame for what happened to the Black Mountain Clan as you are...perhaps more so. You're only crime was your curiosity and your intellect. I do not hold you responsible for what followed, and you should not blame yourself. BATES: [Bates smiles, obviously relieved.] Thank you, your majesty. You don't know what that means to me. And you can be assured that I will do all that is in my power to help you and our friend here. I've always wanted to be a friend to the dwarves...I hope that you'll let me... LOGHAIRE: It is my honor to call you friend, Gilbert Bates. And, perhaps when this journey is finished, you and I might sit down and talk a little about some of your work. Some of it shows real promise...the mark of dwarven ingenuity. Stennar Rock Cutter would be proud... BATES: [Bates smiles broadly, lowering his eyes.] Why...thank you, your majesty...really, they're nothing to...I mean...well, thank you... LOGHIARE: Your welcome. And now, I think, you and our friend here have some things to speak of... YOUR RESPONSE: Yes...I'll come speak with you in a moment, Mr. Bates... I think I cut and pasted so that's a typo (you're should be your). As far as I can tell from examining the dialog and script files, this is supposed to be triggered the first time Loghaire crosses a tile in Bates' mansion (assuming Bates is alive there). Unfortunately I ran him all around the room and couldn't find the place to step on, so someone screwed it up. I haven't figured out how to open Arcanum in the WorldEditor to look for trigger spots, so I can't tell if it's even there or mislabelled or what! I also haven't seen the voice files so don't know if they recorded these lines as speech. I think I'll add some lines to Bates's dialogue and script files for my own game to make this happen when you click on him. I'll let you know how it goes.
It seems like there is always something new to find in Arcanum. I always thought that it would be proper if Loghaire had some dialog with bates. I also think he and Magnus ought to have something to say about Vendigroth.
Something I've always found humorous, when you kill the Molochean Hand Member at the Graveyard, your journal says "Magnus has little to say about this". Which is something I personally find hilarious, because half the time, he's not even in my group.
BATES WITH LOGHAIRE SOUNDS! I finally got "Bates" to talk to Loghaire. They do speak, with sound! The first problem, as I mentioned, was that the file 2079Loghaire_with_Bates_TILE.scr isn't triggered when Loghaire walks in the room with Bates. This should have worked the same as when Magnus walks into the Iron Clan (sometimes with Loghaire!) he triggers a script to make them speak. The second problem is that the file 01853Bates_with_Logahaire.dlg is misspelled "Logahaire." Your choice is to find this file, rename it, and stick it in the folder Arcanum/data/dlg or find and deliberately misspell file 01853Bates_with_Loghaire.scr and stuff it in the folder Arcanum/data/scr !! As long as they match. I went back to run Loghaire around the room but still - no go. To solve problem #1, I had to find a trigger, and I chose Chukka. His script is short, and his dialog is simple (Uhhh / Yes Master? / Don't hurt Bates!). So what I did was have his script, 01166ChukkaDialog.scr duplicate what script 2079 was supposed to do, but when you click on him. I started tacking on lines that test if both Bates and Loghaire are in the room and they haven't spoken yet, then attach the script 1853 to Bates. Otherwise Chukka can be normal. So finally I moved line 0 to the very end and replaced it with "0 goto line #" that calls the new Chukka code. See below before attempting. NOTE: There's some tricks to using ScriptMonkey, like you have to know how it changes goto #'s when you add lines. You should do all your actions first, maybe even putting filler "do nothing" lines where the conditions go or code from the end backwards. It took me forever to figure out how to duplicate lines I saw by using the dropdown menus. Key was "[num]==[num]", "[obj] is named [num]" and finding that "Number" is the default you change when you need "Global" or "Local" variables. Now, the third problem is that Bates doesn't like having other scripts (+dialog) attached to him. This includes the desired 01853Bates_with_Loghaire.scr (ARRGH!) He'll only say the first line of dialog, and as soon as it calls the newly attached script - he reverts back to his original dialog and script: "You have returned. Tell me, what news?" Why? (As Magnus says "Why do madmen do anything?"). Maybe a script on the carpet, filing cabinet, or guard makes it happen. So now we need a surrogate for Bates. I chose Virgil. This means that Chukka's script should attach script 1853 to Virgil instead of Bates, so you may as well "loop" for Virgil's presence too. I had to go through the file 01865Loghaire_with_Bates.scr and change all the lines that find Bates as "current looped object=6415" and replace them with the code for Virgil (6409). I saved, of course, in folder Arcanum/data/scr . At last I walked into Bates's office with Bates, Virgil, Chukka, and Loghaire present. I then clicked on Chukka, which caused Bates to talk (his code appeared over Virgil's head) with Loghaire, who responded for himself. When over everyone was back to normal. PS: I don't remember a Molochean in a graveyard, but I know there's a dwarf in Caladon that recognizes Magnus.
Very nicely done. In the Caladonian graveyard, if you press the dwarf for information about the guy with the book, he attacks you and is revealed to be a member of the Molochean Hand.
No way! That's got to be Bingham, a dwarf who knows Magnus and gives you a shovel if you persuade or pay him!
YES WAY! He does indeed have a Molochean Hand amulet. I guess he doesn't realize you're being hunted.
RE: Bates w/Loghaire I'll check it out. Getting back to the main topic I finally unpacked Arcanum.dat and found the sound files. Last night I finally figured out how to look at it with WorldEd. So I opened Bates_Mansion_Lev2 to take a look. I found there was NOT a trip by the door like in the Iron Clan, but it took ages to figure out how it worked even with the "manual" and "...tut." It seems it uses a "tile script" which shows up green, but can't be added in overhead view. So I added it to Bates door and it tripped when my character walked over it, but I'd put it the wrong script number. When I changed it to the correct one (2079?) I couldn't get it to work for either the PC or Loghaire. I feel I was this >< close. I don't know where I'd post the solution when I get it. It involves 25 or so files for that directory. It's not as simple as telling someone to change a line of dialog or script.
SIMPLE FIX FOR LOGHAIRE AT BATES! I had a brainwave the other night, and came up with a fix for the three problems that can be used by anyone (well...) Loghaire at Bates Fix: #1 The Trigger: see #3 below. #2 Bad File Name. "01853Bates_with_Logahaire.dlg" rename it to: "01853Bates_with_Loghaire.dlg" and save in Arcanum/data/dlg #3 One of Bates's scripts kept the Loghaire one (above) from staying put. Lines 0-6 fix that, while lines 7+ trigger the lost dialog when Loghaire shows up! Here's the entire script w/fixes: 01195BatesHeartbeat.scr 0. story state store in Local 0 1. IF Local 0 <= 1 THEN goto line 4 2. IF local flag 4 is set THEN do nothing ELSE change script attached to Attachee at point 9 to script 1047 3. set local flag 4 to true 4. IF Global Flag 2094 = 1 THEN toggle Attachee state on/off ELSE goto line 7 5. remove this script 6. return and RUN default 7. IF Global Flag 2340 = 1 THEN return and RUN default ELSE Local 2 = 0 8. loop for Everyone in Vicinity 9. IF Current Looped Object is named 6557 THEN Local 2 = 1 10. loop end 11. IF Local 2 = 0 THEN return and RUN default ELSE change script attached to Attachee at point 9 to script 1853 12. call script attached to Attachee at point 9 at line 2 with Triggerer Player 13. return and SKIP default This works! Yay! Unfortunately, (1) they set it up so the vicinity loop can see through walls. As a result it activates as soon as you get off the stairs, not when Loghaire is visible through the doorway, making Bates and Loghaire talk through the wall. (2) Because the Triggerer is "Player," Loghaire faces you instead of Bates (Bates faces you too, but he's far enough away). I guess they did this so your character will turn back and forth to listen. I suppose you could go through one of the Bates/Loghaire scripts and change them so Loghaire will face Bates when they're talking. Had they done it correctly, they'd attached script 2079 to a tile on the floor for Loghaire to activate. Then you could be inside the room with Bates. I tried it with the editor, but I think it might not work because my saved games had all visited the 2nd floor previously. I'll disable lines 8+ in this script and see what happens when my current character gets to level 34 and can bring Loghaire. Hmm. Wonder what will happen if I bring Loghaire under mind-control or as an undead follower?