I've seen some spell colleges that people've made, how do I make my own, and how can I mod. there effects? -Nemrog
You can download spellchange.zip from Downloads to look how new Spell Colleges and spells are being made. Edit: You could also download darkemagicks.zip.
I had Dark Magicks, just got Spellchange. But what I had in mind was are there any Spell Making Tutorials? I've seen one for schematics, backgrounds and Moduels, but I can't find anything that will allow me to make my own spells. IE, were do I undat the Artfiles, what is OSF _ ..., and what are the various commands in the Spell.Mes? I mean Marrowind has tuts for every aspect of the game. But as awesome as Arcanum is there isn't much on the line of Tuts. Also is there any tut's for making Monsters, or items? If not would anyone be willing to make a simple little How-To / DIY manual? Thank you all for your time, -Nemrog
I think the number of spells are hard-coded, but there are dozens of half-completed spells you can overwrite. I haven't had much success, but I also haven't tried very hard. I would suggest studying existing spells, and copying and pasting one that is similar. I'm not sure, but I think there are a lot of files associated with spells, as there are sounds, etc. associated with them. As for creating monsters and items, I'd get the translated russian proto docs and a hex editor and start out on easy things, like a slightly different variant of an existing weapon until you get the hang of it. This is just for the monsters and items you want to be able to create with scripts, random encounters, generated inventories, etc.
Oh ... because, I've seen two Mods for magic, and alot of people talking about Modding a Arcanum 2 for fun with interesting things, like a crystal ball spell. And there's the Arcanum Spell list on the main page with spells people have made ( although it'd be better if they had a Attachment to download the Data files for them.), yet there's no posted information on Spell Mod / Spell Mod Tuts on what there talking about. Thanks for the replies. - Nemrog
The spell stuff on the main page is more like role playing. It's hypothetical - spells people would add if they could. I bet that some of these could maybe be added, but there's no research that I know of thus far.