Just wondering if a thief character is important, because in BG & BG2 they were vital but tis isn't BG1/2 so...?
Help as in I need a thief to do them, or just to do it easier? On a different note; does Dog count towards your follower max?
Help as YOU have to be one, but if you are going to use the fate point on some critical situation you might just get away with it. Now if you are a thief (BTW my favorite char is fighter/thief) and you master pick pocket everything is yours for free without anybody noticing. For example in the first town Shrouded Hills you have an option to steal money from the bank, if you have invested some CP in the pick pocket it makes easier, but it doesn't mean that you can do it without such investment. Besides as you know the quest isn't crucial to the story as all of them. Answer for second question: NO
I've got a hunch they would've liked to call it Dogmeat, but then Interplay could've sued thed. I call him Dogmeat anyway :smile: