D20 Arcanum

Discussion in 'Arcanum Discussion' started by Arthgon, Feb 25, 2008.

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  1. Arthgon

    Arthgon Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 30, 2007
    Has anyone made a D20 RPG of Arcanum???.

    If this already on the board or the wrong board, sorry.
  2. Dark Elf

    Dark Elf Administrator Staff Member

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    Feb 6, 2002
    I'm moving this to the Arcanum Discussion forum. The roleplaying forum is for roleplaying.

    I remember vaguely something about Arcanum in D20 but I'm not sure. Anway, why don't you simply convert the existing D20 rules to fit Arcanum next session? It's not like you're going to find a rulebook in the store.
  3. Spiffy

    Spiffy Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 19, 2007
    I've always dreamed of a D20 Arcanum. Let's hope my dream comes true :thumbup:
  4. Dark Elf

    Dark Elf Administrator Staff Member

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    Feb 6, 2002
    I don't see why you couldn't really. Set the level cap at 10 so that you can't get better than level 5 spells. Rework the class system altogether, let there be Fighter, Rogue and Sorcerer. Sorcerers get 6 hp per level, and draw spells from the Arcanum spell list modified to fit 3.5 needs. Schematics are tied to skill level in craft skills, like Craft: Firearms, and every rank
    in tech crafting gives 5% Arcane Spell Failure.

    I guess a few more modifications are needed but that should work fairly decently.
  5. Delightful

    Delightful New Member

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    Aug 2, 2008

    I thought about making a D20 Arcanum-Setting (based on D&D3.5) for some days now and allready had some great ideas.

    1. Magic vs. Tech

    In the game magic and technology are hindering each other. How get this in Gamerules for D20? How's about 2 new stats: magic-Lvl and tech-lvl. The Stats are calculated from other Char-stats like (for magic) ...

    - Casterlvl
    - Ranks in Spellcraft, knowledge Arcana, Use Magical Device (1pt each 5 Ranks)
    - Race (Elves +2, Dwarfs -2 for example)
    - Special Feats?

    (for tech) ...

    - Techlvl (Technican as a class ^^)
    - Ranks in Use Technical Device (new ^^), knowlege (technology), Craft (each not natur-related (Wood- or stonecutting are natur-related))
    - Race
    - Special Feats?

    If you have a ML (magic-lvl) of 5, tech-Items you touch are stucking, at 10 this happens in an aura of 3ft arround you, at 15 at 10ft, ....

    The Same happens to Spells or magical Items if you have a high TL (tech-lvl)

    Hows about a SR through TL and a "TR" (Techresistance) through ML?

    2. Schools of Magic.

    I Think we schould cut out the normal spell lists and make new ones (still using the 9 lvls of D&D), using cleric spells for mages as well.

    Then The Mage gets 1 Class-Abillity each lvl: School-lvl +1 (for one school). for each school-lvl in a school, the caster can use spells of that lvl (lerned "Fire" 3 times = 3rd lvl spells). You still only can cast spells which you have cuz of your caster-lvl.

    If you don't take a school-lvl at your lvl-up, you can instead take a feat (limited by a special list (not to heavy ones ^^))

    I think mages schould not learn spells like wizards, but "have" them like druilds or clerics (all of the school-lvls the caster has chosen). May be we use the spontanious casting sorcerers instead of memorising wizards. (or make two caster-classes?

    3. Technology: how to implement?

    I think, this will be the most komplicated topic: How will technology crafted and work?

    First crafting: We can use the sistem of Schools for mages also for technicans: Lelvels in mechanic, chemistry, electricity, ...... Each level in a school allows you to study prescriptions and build the items, if you also have the right craft-skill(s) and the ingredients you need. Sounds easy, but will be tough to design those prescriptions, allways keep the game-balance in mind.

    Using: Some items should be limited to be used by the characters, for example you can fire a rifle, but can you also configurate a mechanical spider to protect you, not eat you? ^^ This schould be done with Knowledge-skills and/or "use technical device" (which schould work as a "Jack of all trades"-Skill like "use magical device").

    4. Magic and Technologic items in use.

    In the Game you cannot use the full power of a magic weapon if you are not "macical" enough. This also can be impemented to the D20 version: ...

    For example: For each "+1" of a weapon or Item you need to have or 4 ML-Pts. If you wear a +3 Sword, but only have ML:9, it is a +2 Sword in your hands.

    The same can be done with technical items.

    The Question here is: Hows about characters with both high tech and magic lvl? Using a "arcane/technical spell/item failure"? I still have no clue at this point.

    Ok, this were my fist thoughts about a D20-Arcanum .... I hope you give me your responses (and, may be, you offer me your help? ^^)
  6. Dark Elf

    Dark Elf Administrator Staff Member

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    Feb 6, 2002
    How about technology causing Arcane Spell Failure, and magick causing Technology Failure? All feats, spells and skills come with an aptitude, that doubles as a failure percentage. Let's say a Sorcerer knows five spells, each with a 10% aptitude value. Spells therefore gain a 50% bonus to all numerical effects (damage, duration and so on) while technological items carry a 50% risk of backfiring (for interesting results, arcane/technology failure could be rolled from a failure table, inflicting all sorts of damage).

    Should this sorcerer then decide to pick up some technological crafting skills worth 50% of technological aptitude, he would be able to use technological items without risking blowing his ears off, but his magic would suffer as a result, having lost a third of it's former potency.

    Elves would start out with a magic bonus feat and can never have technological class skills (all technological skills count as cross-class skills), while the same applies to dwarves only reversed.

    We could remove the Arcane Spell Failure from armor, unless the armor is technological.

    I'll have to think of more, then return.
  7. Delightful

    Delightful New Member

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    Aug 2, 2008
    I will think on about all this stuff at my nightshift (which is in an hour) as well ^^. Tomorrow we will have more stuff to discuss ^^

    have a nice eve ....
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

  9. Delightful

    Delightful New Member

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    Aug 2, 2008
    A Arcanum-setting for the D20-Rules (D&D-Rules), with rules for the Pen&Paper-RPG for playing Campagnes in the World of Arcanum.

    I thought about rules for the aptitude tonight and had many ideas, but I think we should try to get clear first if we want to make the rules "near the Game" with much effects or more easy to use in the actual gameplay. If we make it complex, it would be great in the game, but harsh to play cuz you have to think about many rules while playing. if we make it more easy, its good fot the "flow" in the game / encounters.

    We also should make a list which content we want to use from the core-rule-books (Classes, skills, feats ....) and which we have to alter or add to them. So we can make a "todo-list" for your "great dream" ^^
  10. Dark Elf

    Dark Elf Administrator Staff Member

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    Feb 6, 2002
    I still believe in giving technological and magickal skills/feats/spells an aptitude value, just like in regular Arcanum, and have the aptitude translate to arcane/technological failure the way it's done in regular D20. Likewise, having a high magickal/technological aptitude should affect spells and contraptions, as in increasing damage, accuracy, duration and so on, and/or grant appropriate bonus feats at certain tiers.
  11. Delightful

    Delightful New Member

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    Aug 2, 2008
    Ok, here some tables I've written at work while I took a "small" break ^^

    All of them are about the aptitude, MA = magical aptitude, TA = technological ...

    Effects on Spells (Casters MA/TA)

    MA 100 Save-DC +4
    MA 90+ ECL+3
    MA 75+ Save-DC +3
    MA 60+ ECL+2
    MA 50+ Save-DC +2
    MA 30+ ECL+1
    MA 25+ Save-DC +1

    TA 25+ Save-DC -1
    TA 30+ ECL-1
    TA 50+ Save-DC -2
    TA 60+ ECL-2
    TA 75+ Save-DC -3
    TA 90+ ECL-3
    TA 100 Save-DC -4

    (Also, Half your TA is your spell failure)

    Effects on spells (Targets Aptitude)

    TA 25+ Save +1
    TA 30+ ECL-1
    TA 50+ Save +2 (Evasion)
    TA 60+ ECL-2
    TA 75+ Save +3
    TA 90+ ECL-3
    TA 100 Save +4 (Improved Evasion)

    The ECLs granted by this Tables are also ignoring limits for maximum effects for spells (for example: A Fireball has max 10d6, but with MA90+ you do 13d6).

    I had more ideas for this tables, but to much input can be anoying for DMs and players. We can also use this tables vice versa for technological effects, but the prob is, that tech is most about items, not "casted" items like bombs or setted traps. So we have to make many more thoughts about that stuff ^^ (Also for magical Items).

    Whats about an "anti-magical/technological aura" through TA/MA? Should we introduce something like that? Would be real great cuz in the game those effects are also mentioned ... but it may be bad for the flow of the RPG-playing. May be we find a simple solution ^^
  12. icexiangwu

    icexiangwu New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 25, 2008
    Interesting, I was never a pen-and-paper player, although I appreciated the stories and imagination involved.

    I am however, a hardcore table-top miniatures fan, collector and occasional player.

    As a hobby I make figurines of my favorite games' creatures which my cousins use when they play D&D (as some sort of placeholders to give it a panoramic view).

    I'm planning to make figurines for Arcanum as well, and that would be very interesting indeed: a D20 Arcanum + figurines imho. :D
  13. rroyo

    rroyo Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 13, 2006
    Right on! If you do this, we'll want pictures. :)
  14. The_Deathsangel

    The_Deathsangel New Member

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    Aug 3, 2008
    I actually have more or less an PnP arcanum with more than 200 pages for the rules, world, new feats, skills, monsters. Just like a regular Campaign Setting Book.
    Tthe main contintent looks very much alike the one we know from the game. Though I did a bit different than Delightful is suggesting, probably as I did not use just Arcanum as an inspiration.
  15. Delightful

    Delightful New Member

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    Aug 2, 2008
    Icexiangwu, rroyo uis right, WE WANT PICTURES ^^ I think the Arcanum-Setting can also me used for the Miniature-Play with no limitations. May be the technological components can also be implemented into "normal" D20-Settings without the Amplitude-Rules (For example, they could be about Items the Gnomes forged in Forgotten Realms or Dragonlance). But first we have to finish this long way to a good Arcanum-Setting befor thinking about that part ^^. This also leads us to .....

    Deathsangel, did you wrote your system all your own? 200 Pages sounds like a lot of material ^^. May be we can use it as an inspiration or even a source of material for our Arcanum-setting. Saves a lot of work and would be an enrichment cuz of many Ideas you got and we may be not ^^

    I will now play Arcanum to collect recieps (my second Technican in my whole playing-career ^^).

    See you later ^^
  16. The_Deathsangel

    The_Deathsangel New Member

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    Aug 3, 2008
    Yep, all on my own.
    As said I did do it slightly different than your TA, MA rules as in my view you are looking to much from the magic side. The bonus of evasion and improved evasion is not workeable for all and with save bonuses it means techs can still be healed by magic. I limited that way more.

    My system uses tech failure and USR (Uncontrolable spell resistance - which works in most ways like SR but not all).

    I also have several people make several drawings for the setting, though not enough ;)

    I am play testing it over a few months now with my D&D group and we are getting out the glitches.

    I am writing my setting just like a Campaign Setting Book so in the end it should be simple take that book and your regular three and you could play an Arcanum-like game. You may not use the world naturally, as that would give copyright problems, but great parts of the ideas are alike. Though the Panarii for instance are not present. As said it is Arcanum-like but I took also use of other sources. As Arcanum has a different system some stuff also had to be modified.

    As to lending it out just here and now... two problems - I am a perfectionist and it is not finished. Many tech items lack pricing and the world is not worked out enough. Every country has descriptions but generally only 2 or 3 cities mentioned.
    And... sorry, but I know little of you guys as of yet I am just starting here. The big problem with that is .... well though I put in my word documents my name and stuff, you can delete that easily and claim it as your own. That would seriously s**k after all the time I put into it. If you know what I mean.
  17. Delightful

    Delightful New Member

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    Aug 2, 2008
    Yep, I know what you mean. But please as long as you don't trust us, support us with tips or "hints" how you managed the stuff if when we are discussing the rules ^^

    I will now make a list of content of the Core-Rule-Books 3.5 (CRBs) which we can keep included for playing the Arcanum D20. Entries marked with a * are to be changed in use or content. Those with a "?" are to be discussed if they are to be included or not.

    • Human
    • Elf*
    • Half-Elf*
    • Dwarf*
    • Gnome*
    • Halfling
    • Half-Ork

    • Barbarian
    • Fighter
    • Ranger*?
    • Rogue
    • Paladin*?

    Prestige classes
    • Arcane Archer
    • Assassin*
    • Blackguard*?
    • Duelist
    • Dwarven Defender
    • Shadowdancer

    Skills (Which have to be changed or cut out (marked with #)
    • All Craft-skills*
    • All Knowledge-skills*
    • Speak Language#?
    • Spellcraft*
    • Use Magic Device*

    Feats (Which have to be changed or cut out (marked with #)
    • Deflect Arrows#?
    • Extra Turning#
    • Improved Turning#
    • Leadership#?
    • Natural Spell#
    • Snatch Arrows#?
    • Stunning Fist#?

    Spells, equipment and creatures are to much to be discussed now in detail.

    For the spells and casting-classses we have to make now rules. I think we should make a class named "Magican" for filling the role of the wizard and sorcerer. Also we have to make new spell-lists like mentioned some posts above. This also includes Lists for Rangers and Paladins (which now also schould be casting spontaneously) if we include them. New spells would be nice, but I think the PGB has enough stuff for filling the lists ^^

    The lists for equipment, weapons and armor should fit the victorian style of the world, but much the stuff from the CRBs should be included as well.

    The creaturs from the MM should get a aplitude-value for better fitting into the gameplay. Of cause, many of them will not be included. Also we have to design many new cuz of the bunch of creatures you meet in the CRPG.

    Ok, enough for the moment ^^ I hope you also add your ideas ^^
  18. Spiffy

    Spiffy Member

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    Aug 19, 2007
    Aren't those Neverwinter Nights classes?

    Why not just have Blacksmith, Therapeutics, Herbalist, Fire Mage, Black Necromancer, White Necromancer, Conveyance, ect. as classes?
  19. The_Deathsangel

    The_Deathsangel New Member

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    Aug 3, 2008
    Well, I haven't deleted any of the classes what so ever myself. Though Arcanum doesn't trully work with classes you can for instance easily create a paladin like character with the Arcanum rules in game.
    It simply depends on how close you want the system to work like d20 and have the feel of Arcanum. Or transport all of the arcanum rules into the d20 system. The later I reckon is not feasible, after all the crit miss chance increase can not be done well in arcanum.
    It seems as your idea does include more a strip-down of the D&D to the creatures within Arcanum and add arcanum like rules, whereas I tried to give a steampunk/arcanum feel to the d20 system. In that way we are doing two different things.
  20. Delightful

    Delightful New Member

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    Aug 2, 2008
    Yes, cuz NWN is a D&D-Game, wich uses the D20 Rules, which were created when AD&D 2nd-Ed was advanced to D&D 3rd-Ed. I planed to introduce a new caster- and tech-class (or classes) with Prestige-classes. All this classes get more schools/disciplines (and levels in those) when advancing in CL. For example, a caster gets a school-lvl each CL, while he can chose to "level up" a school he already has or get a new school at lvl 1 (like the casters in Arcanum level up in the schools of magic). Tech-chars works as the same, but the rules will be a bit different for using tech-skills of cause.

    And yes, Deathangel, I want to make a setting for the D&D-CRBs wich gives the Arcanum-feeling (and also the world, creatures and "Classes" of cause ^^). But even if this system will be more like D&D then yours, your help and advice will be a good support for us ^^
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