as a magick college. Invocation - as in the art of calling upon higher beings to help you during battle (in this case, the old gods of arcanum) OR Evocation - the art of calling upon super-natural spirits and demons for your own beneift. and a little explanation why you made your choice would be nice, even if it is just one sentence.
Evocation reminds me of boosting ones powers rather then summoning stuff. As such, that might be a nice alternative to the meta college (which is more about affecting whether a spell works rather then how [strongly] it works). For example having spells that: - boost MA (of the party?) - act like a fatigue limiter on the target - increase magick damage upon a target - as above, but on all targets of the caster - drains fatigue/hps from the target
those spells could fit into invocation as well.. yes i've thought about it, and evocation is too limiting, and resembles the summoning college too much. i'm going with invocation.
Cool. That was going to be my vote. I was wishing a while ago that you could call upon the old god hierarchy for help. Never had time to learn the moding bit, so it just sat and stagnated in my head. Would it be like a prayer for a temporary blessing? Maybe a prayer to Bolo for a temporary boost to lock pick, for example? Or maybe having Torg show up and smite someone and then leave?
Shouldn't be a magic college, though. There are already ways to call upon the aid of the pagan gods, and magic has and should have nothing to do with it. It's a nice idea, inovocation, but using magic to call upon the powers of demons and such sounds much more likely lore-wise.
You make a good point. Damn my easy-to-change opinion both of those are possible (although it would be kinda imba to have torg come down and start hacking all your enemies to bits) but like wolfsbane said, does religion have any place in the magick colleges? im all for the calling upon demons for help idea, but i have no ideas for spells. maybe i could have a gimmicky college where all the spells are permanent self-buffs with bad side effects? for example for the 5th tier spell i could have a spell that turns your character into a demon permanently, the plus side is that you're extremely powerful, but you cannot talk to people, have followers, or take any more quests? or is that too extreme? this is really annoying. the last college i have to do before i get to mapping, and i can't decide what to do.
I really, really like the idea of summoning spirits. Always have, always will. Ergo, my vote goes to Evocation.
Couldn't you do two sides of Evocation, like they did with Necromancy? Evocation Darke and Evocation White; one demonic/evil/whatever side and one celestial (with celestial being "good" spirits/Arcanums answer to angels) side. An idea for a fith-level spell; you call upon a demon (in the case of Darke) and make pacts with it. Sacrifice followers, gold, health, Arcane items and similar stuff to gain rewards in shape of buffs, hexed items and other evil, more or less powerful stuff. Can you make multiple pacts? Depends on how powerful they are and what they cost. This could go the other way around as well, but with the celestial creatures blessing you in stead. Low-level spells could include summoning slave imps, gaining aspects of the celestial/demonic creatures (for a limited time, like other buff spells) and mid-level or 4th level spells could summon a champion of the chosen spirit type (good or bad). This is just me babbling, though. It just struck me as cool. Question is, though, if it's possible.
I was a great babble. It combines the best of both worlds. Definitely sounds like a mod I’d be interested it. If the ol’ brain was working properly, I might be able to help and contribute some more ideas. Unfortunately, I’m a bit mentally addled for the time being. :roll:
Nature. If I really have to choose between Morph and Meta, then I guess Morph has got to go. Meta is much more useful.
In the original game, all of them were nearly useless, or rather meaningful only for weak characters. However if your mod will feature many spellcasters, then meta is the one I'd suggest keeping. The ability to heavily affect the effectiveness of spells may be lifesaving in an encounter with a particularly pissed off force mage. Still, for the most part, the game mechanics made me dislike all three colleges. BTW, why not scrap divination instead ?
Because it has a really valuable spell. I've never found the Meta college to be useless, though. It's great for slowing down mages and unsummoning annoying elementals (and such).
i seriously considered divination, but drog in his UAP has restored this thing where all NPC's have a unique age, that can be seen thru the divination 3rd spell. im going to see how this works out, and if the college is still uninteresting then i will be replacing that as well.
Evocation gets my vote. Devil-mingling and demon summoning seems much more evil than praying to or invoking the aid of gods. And evil is sexy. Damn sexy.