My Love killed Raven

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Skie88, Oct 18, 2001.

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  1. Skie88

    Skie88 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 6, 2001
    I was playing as a human and Raven didnt even offered to join me.. So i thought he only has a thing for elves and half-elves..

    BTW Al, is that a rifle of yours in the game? It looks great.. :smile:
  2. BFG 9000

    BFG 9000 New Member

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    Oct 2, 2001
    I am sure most of you here will now about the Half Ogre island and what happened there.

    I was playing an half ogre and at the Ring of Brodar, just before going to the void, Raven "raped" me. I did not have a dialogue option to say no. I just told her I love her and the next thing she said lets not waste any more time and we fornicated.

    I cannot imagine what will happen 10 mths later. Btw, I tried but she was too magical to use contraceptive. It failed on her. In the end, shewill probably give birth and die. ;~(

    In fact, I also made love to the 5 bitches back at Mdm Li (One was a former servant girl at 46 Moorland). But I dun care if they die giving birth, andyway I think they have their own prevention methods being "professionals" in this line.

    But I feel really bad about Raven. all I wanted to do was love her and take care of her till the end of days. Seems like she is going to die sooner than myself.


    | Here Lies the |
    | Grave of Raven |
    | Princess of Elves|
    | Beloved n First |
    | Wife of BFG 9000 |
    | Mum of BFG Junior|
    |who made the error|
    |of Loving an Half |
    | Ogre who only |
    | wanted her |
    | Happiness and to |
    | Love her till the|
    | End of Days |

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  3. friend_al_23

    friend_al_23 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 30, 2001
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