I play Arcanum on my laptop, but I've always disliked the touchpad. It's okay for moving around in combat, or in town, but when exploring an area, like the crash site, not being sure where interesting stuff is, it's a huge bother having to click and click and click to move. Is there a way to use the keyboard, such as the cursor keys, to move my character? Like if I press the UP arrow key, he moves to the north? That would be a relief.
I understand the touchpad bit. You could get a trackball rather cheap, it's like the ball on the bottom of older mice. I've got one sitting on my chair that makes it a hell of a lot easier. Taks a bit of getting used to though. Otherwise, I don't think you can remap keys in that way. Not sure though
The game can be played only via point-and-click. Get a USB mouse. Or do you absolutely have to play the game somewhere where you don't have access to a desk?
Get a USB mouse. They're cheaper and last forever. Trust me, I live on my laptop, it's well worth the effort.