This was supposed to be a "reply" to another post "why is my game lagging out of the blue?" How it ended up being a new post, I don't know. p.s. this was the edit part. Slow downs? Until this is fixed on the "programing" level, these things may help: Turn off all floating text. Leave behind followers (the more you have, the slower it gets in some areas like tarant & especially the wastes). Finnally, set it to "fast turn based". This helps for slow combat in the wastes, and if you are in cities/areas that are slow, switch to combat this way, and you can move around more quickly, but without using "waypoints" Dissapointing when compared to Fallout (pretty much the same style graphics) that never had these slow down problems (with NPCs walking all over the place). <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Slobbergoose on 2001-11-09 09:05 ]</font> <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Slobbergoose on 2001-11-09 09:08 ]</font>