Hello, When I level up, my character points get assigned automatically? They auomatically go towards skills like Prowling or so. Why does this happen? because I'm a fresh apprenctice in these things? I hex-edited my save file to get the character I wanted now, but it is annoying behaviour every time I level up.
Either you chose an auto-leveling scheme or you picked one of the game's pre-generated characters. Prowling? You chose the halfling didn't you?
Reading the backgrounds of pre-generated characters helped me catch the feel of what the worlds of Arcanum is going to be like before creating my first character. That pretty much sums up what they are good for.
Yes, I chose the half-elf. I didn't know Arcanum was this awesome so I didn't make my own character. I will on my next playthrough (in which I will also try to keep Virgil alive).