Greetings all. New to the forums here. I have been playing Arcanum off and on over the years and always enjoyed it. I finally decided to download the most recent version of carcanum and have been having a great time with all of its changes. The issue I'm having is using the stones that force followers to use different leveling up schematics. I have given the stone for Zan Alurin (sp?) to virgil. He has leveled up accordingly as I can see when I look at his sheet, but not once have I seen him use any of the spells other than minor healing which he always has. I have made certain to max his fatigue by every option available from the starting dungeon master, and I had really hoped to add some variation to my play other than me having to cast every spell while Virgil pounds things, but he still seems to just act like the same old Virgil. Is there anything I can do to encourage him to use his spells, at least some of the time? Crossing fingers.
Well, it was worth a try. Guess I'll just continue on with good old fashion virgil bashing. Thanks for looking everyone.
I haven't played Carcanum just yet (it sure is on my to-do list, though), but as far as I recall from some older threads, it has features not present in A:WIP or UAP. New items and possibilities, new and unique followers (I recall the titular car and a dog with the spot traps skill, there are possibly more), a significantly higher difficulty level, a different and quite intimidatingly sounding end boss (and therefore plot, I'm guessing) are the ones I recall at the moment. If memory serves me right, rroyo did borrow some of the content from Carcanum and implemented it in A:WIP, but Carcanum still has a lot of things which are nowhere else to be found.
Cararcanum is really badly done. As in, it has MS Paint level graphics and absolutely terrible grammar and spelling in new dialogs.
Oh, wow. Thanks for responding guys. I had just about given up hope. As to why carcanum, as I mentioned I have only recently begun to try and modify the normal game. I had come across a few threads and had thought carcanum was the best mod available, so that is why i wanted to give it a try. I don't know enough about scripting to implement any sort of custom script for Virgil, but it seems from what I hear that he will simply still act his old self bashing things. Are the mods mentioned earlier compatible with carcanum, or do I need to make a different file? Thanks for feedback everyone.