Hi, I have a human mage character, no special background. Charisma 9. I cannot get Sogg to join me. I tried bring Charisma to 10, IQ to 9, being level 5 nothing works. My alignment is mildly positive. I did kill the dwarf at the Steam Engine.I have one follower right now, Virgil. I can find nothing online about Sogg joining except that Charisma 9 is needed. A few questions please: 1) Getting Sogg to join -- any ideas>? 2) Alternative Tank -- I am concerned I now have now heavy weight front line fighter. Will I be able to find others in the game? 3) Level Discrepancy -- I am level 6 now, Sogg level 2, if you do tell me a way to get him to join would it be unwise at this point given how far behind he is now in levels? Thanks for any insight, Lin p.s. I am playing with the GOG version, updated with the unofficial patch of 1/5/201 called "UAP081229-unofficialPatch.exe".
Sogg and Persuasion Apprentice Thanks for asking. Yes actually I had that too. Very strange. Bit frustrating since I an abandoned an earlier gunfighter campaign as too difficult to try to make my way through the game with a Mage. Now it seems my mage will be disadvantaged p.s. I have been able to get Sogg to join in other games.
Answer mistook CN for CR in interface OK I was stupid bottomline. I misread the old font CN for CR. So I was upping constitution not Charisma. Thanks for your patience and help.
Oh, come on Zanza, surely there's at least a little bit to be ashamed of? I remember when I was trying to use a potion on an NPC and accidentally forgot to "use" it and ended up throwing it at him with my throwing expert character. Hadn't saved in like an hour either. Plenty to be ashamed of there.