Well, recently I've seen some lots of steampunk stuff around, looks like a huge interest in the steampunk universe is taking place around the internet, I'd like to know what is the casue of this sudden interest, and will it help our little community to grow big and famous among the internauts? I hope some interest in Arcanum 2 shows up too... Now, discuss...
It's about time! Of course, catching the train so late may mean those who've climbed aboard are less desirable. Or, it may just be that more people are less afraid to show their true colors, mahogany and copper being chief among hues.
I don't think it is becoming more popular, just the increasing ease to congregate with people of similar interests on the internet.
About a month and a half ago I went into Barnes and Noble and noticed they had a display table of all the latest steampunk literature. Bought "The Affinity Bridge" by George Mann. It was a pretty good book. They have 54 steampunk books available for their eReader the Nook. I think as the literature becomes more prominent, so does everything else in the genre. And yes, Dr. Horrible helped.
Exactly, about 2 years ago, nealy nobody knew what steampunk was, did some game or movie change things? I know there's that movie with Will Smith, and some games, but I don't think it's enough to wake up the hidden interest in people.
Arthur_Vaapeli, for how long have you been aware of steampunk? I doubt a movie from 1999 would have had much influence on steampunk over the past couple of years.
TheDavisChanger, first of all, call me just Vaapeli ;-) Then, you must not know already, but I'm 15, and I know Steampunk since 2002 when I first played Arcanum at a buddy's house, since then I kinda... love Steampunk, but until the last weeks, I haven't seen much Steampunk talk and advertising around the internet. Now it seems to be growing very popular.
I believe that steampunk is still very esoteric and because the Internet grants access to everything, any particular niche is available to anybody who looks for it. I believe awareness of steampunk is growing, but I am skeptical that it has surged over the past couple of weeks. However, I am decidedly disconnected from much of the mainstream media, so I would not be among to first to be aware of any such surge. I would appreciate examples of where you've encountered steampunk where you didn't expect to encounter it.
Where exactly did you see a rise in Steampunk discussions? Some sort of general gaming forums? Facebook?
No Viktor, I've been seeing it everywhere, in ads (steampunk MMO's, etc), libraries are getting more and more loaded with steampunk fantasy, AND, i've already seen some people dressed in steampunk costume like 5 times.
There's more than one Steampunk MMO now? I played one 3 yrs ago but it wasn't all that good. Can't remember the name though.
Well, that's it, isn't it? Steampunk is now finally mainstream and cool? Well it's not surprising. Wouldn't you expect something that was just a niche several years ago to have exploded in popularity? It was the same thing with paintball. It started out with just some guys inspired by the story, "The Most Dangerous Game." Several years went by and it has become very popular to those who enjoy hunting humans. Oh, that inspires me to conduct an 8 man free for all.
get a room, you steamy punks All we need is for Charlie Sheen to embrace steampunk and it's easy street for us!
I've liked Steampunk ever since I saw said will smith movie as a young person. It totally gave me dreams of world domination after I made one for myself. I had 8 year old drawn schematics and everything. I've since settled for stomping the AI in Age of Legends with its steampunk faction.