Is Dread Armor the best armor around? I've found 1 Dread Armor Defense: 19+41 (Magic) on a barbarian. Should I kill the barbarian for it (it will decrease my aligment), cause the armor I am wearing a really crap armor(Guard Leather Armor). Oh yes, does it give u alot of money when u sell it? There are a few barbarians around her so I would probably kill them all for their armor. And yes, I know Dread Armor decreases ppl's reaction of u.
sure it's good. Remember to have a spare nice suit when entering towns, and If the guy attacks you first, well, go figure
I usually find it better just to let Virgil wear it. Noone cares about how he looks, but when you talk to people while wearing it, well, it really sux.
i've found that the majority of armor is best sold, there is no real shortage of availabilty for armor even if it is only guard leather, but it depends if you have a tech or magic bias as to what's best for your character
I have a mage. What kinda armor is best for him? Right now he is wearing some kinda coat. Kinda like what the town guards wear. (Green, brown, suede coats) I need better armor.........
about armor the most easily found would be elven chain mail which is what i'm currently using you get some as a reward in a quest you do in quintarra which is ac 16 but i'm sure there's better out there i've never bothered looking really
My favorites for mages are light armors like arcane robes or arcane travelling robes. If those aren't around yet, like in the beginning of the game, then any decent magic robes or cloaks do. It doesn't have to protect as well as the heavier armors because any magic user should spend the 1 CP and get Shield of Protection and have it on whenever they think there's going to be a fight.
Hey u all arent answering my question 1. Is Dread Armor the best in the game? 2. Should I decrease my aligment for the Dread Armor? 3. How much will I get if its sold? Oh ya my character is an elven mage. The Dread Armor is...WOW horrible, 19+41 armor!!! <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: FluffyLittleRabbit on 2001-11-16 01:20 ]</font>
Since Dreaded Armor is design for barbarians, it is obviously you don't want to use it on a non-melee and magick-based characters. Your leader can't wear it because townfolks dislike the barbaric features. It is a good armor to use when you're up against creatures that damages your armor. With the enormous HP, you don't have to worry about repairing it. It is also very light, and that makes a good starting out armor. Well, use it if you don't have anything better. 1) Best armor, nope. But it is useful when you're starting out. 2) I don't think you need to do that, but I recommend using only on your NPC like Gar. 3) Don't really know, and not really important. But one thing to note, different traders may offer amount for it. Your character skill may have an inlfuence on it also. For mages, I recommend arcane robes of any type.
Hahaha, dread armour sucks... right now I have bronzed plate, (I had the magic, or mystic platemail from P. Schylur) and stuff.. personally, I wouldnt get it... where are you, like shrouded hills? cause in tarant you can get wicked armour from that dwarf smithy so just save ur cash.
I'm at the Island Of Despair, preparing to go to wheel clan and before i leave, i wanna collect everything useful cause i cant go back again.
oh my god... your at the isle. of despair and you only have leather?! you should at least have regular chainmail... didnt you buy anything at tarant or shrouded hills? If I were you, I'd get 1 level in pickpocket, go back to shrouded hills then wait till ristenzze is alseep (run in his room while he goes in) and steal his key (you will definately get it if he is asleep) then go into his chest every once in a while and you can get like 1000-2000 coins (and it regenerates obviously)
Ya I only have leather armor cause I dont bother to buy anything thats why Im so bloody rich(Im a miser ). Anyway I dont want the Dread Armor now so I proceeded and left the island. Anyway pickpocket is useless to me. If I wanna get something I want, I kill the person holding it(thats what happened to Thorvald Two Stones). Oh ya, doors and chests, no sweat! Unlocking Cantrip. <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: FluffyLittleRabbit on 2001-11-16 14:38 ]</font>
ahaha thorval is that guy who tells you that you need the kathorn glasses? cause all I did was lockpick his chest and steal the schematic. :lol:
If you think wearing Dread Armour gives you a bad reaction, try playing a Half-Orc barbarian, everyone insults you and makes fun of your clothing "style". I eventually gave up the barbarian-type armors for chain mail. But it certainly is possible to play and walk around the cities in barbarian armour, you just have to swallow your pride.
geez people it's simple carry a nice suit +20 reaction in yer quickslot and whenever entering a city just perss on the slot and you will be getting +20 not -20, this endevour is not really heavy and is not something to cry over.
Dread armour sucks. High armour class, but low damage resistance. Armour class prevents you being hit, damage resistance should be pretty obvious. I always prefer DR to AC...