I talked to Myrth and he wants me to bring him the pelt of the stillwater-giant in order to tell me where quintarra is. I bought a pelt at Parnell in Tarant. Back in Stillwater, Myrth won´t answer. He didn´t take it. What can I do now. I have to go to Quintarra. And only he can tell me where to find.
A couple of ways as I see it - 1. Reload an earlier save game if possible. 2. Drop the pelt, pick it up again, then talk to Myrth. *SPOILER* 3. Kill Myrth, take the amulet back to Gaylin in Shrouded Hills. She should tell you where Qintarra is...
This might not be a bug. There may be a Persuasion or Charisma or Intel requirement before you can get him to view your offer of the faked Stillwater pelt from Parnell as a good joke. After all, that's how that dialog tree works - he admires the humor in what you - the PC - have tried to do. So, if the PC trying to do that is dumb or unlikeable, then that might not work. Alex
Myrth does tend to live up to his name, yes :smile:. Maybe your idea of role-playing is vastly different to mine Jinxed - I like complex interactions and requirements, it makes the game more fun and longer lasting. I had a good laugh the first time I talked to Myrth. I think he's one of the more enjoyable NPC's, even though he's only a minor one. Geoffrey also cracks me up, but that's a little off track...
Okay, I'll give you that. Yes, it is strange, but for all we know, the problem could have been fixed already :smile:. (Does it also seem to you that most of our conversations revolve around you claiming there are millions of bugs, and me playing down the figure). Oh well. I like doing it. Gives me something to do when I can't sleep.