I love my new dog! he whoops it up. I haven't yet tried a character editor for fear of exploitation, but I assume you can rename characters with it? "dog" just dosen't fly, unless you pronounce it diogi.
Dog is bad! Always robs my experience if I hunt for monsters :smile:. Anyway, I always discart him when I fight so I get the maximum of the experience :smile:.
I always had my followers waiting (I was a tech) somewhere if I could handle a fight myself. This tactic is especially good for techs in mines where there is alot of single molten giants or ore golems, since a tech shoots guns he can run around in realtime and shoot. While virgil or magnus and even sogg without anything short of a pyro axe, would get dismembered. Being solo also means max hit points. But try killing Stingy Pete and his band of skeletons solo and I will call you master!
Followers sucks up ur XP. U gain XP when u hit or kill a monster. When a follower kills a monster, u gain the experience for killing, but not for having hit him. (I wonder why I'm a high persuasion/charisma character.........)
in ashbury, straigh off the the right. near the council building I think. But you need to get it done the first minute you're in ashbury for the first time.
no ur wrong, i didn't get dog until the 4th or 5th trip to ashbury, after I'd already been to the wheel clan. and sure followers eat XP, but its already way too easy to level up anyway.
seriously, alot of people said that when you first come to ashbury, you see the guy kicking the dog. so it's only logical that if you wait too long he is gonna kick him dead. Maybe you never had him on your screen, so the fact never happened before he appearedon it? But I though all things play out once you enter the map...
I usually get Dog around 6th level. Just tell the guy kicking him to quit. First visit to Ashbury, every time.
I find killing the gnome much more entertaining :smile:. By the way, has anyone here ever helped the guy kick the dog to death?