The Misanthrope vs the Sociopath: Battle of the century.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by werozzi, Nov 5, 2012.

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  1. werozzi

    werozzi Member

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    Apr 16, 2012
    It was some time before i joined this forum, around seven months earlier, It all started there.
    I, dressed in my jet black garments as always, was just returning to my studies, heavily depressed by a recent break up. Everything was normal, until that October's day. My then ex, now actual girlfriend was in the U.S.A, i was having my studies with other two people, the class had just started and then, coming trough the door, an ex-studies partner, whom i thought i would never see again in my life had just entered the room. Yes, he was a mess, one of those guys that aren't made for studying, but that was not a trouble back then. life went on.
    Those months, the depression in me just started growing, obviously my grades decreased. That guy, the rainbow dressed one, the one i thought i would never see again was as usual a bag of stones, no remarkable achievement, no approved subjects. He was almost normal.
    Then he, whom we will call AL, discovered drugs, or maybe he just got confident, because he started using them in class, he would spend weeks all fucked up.
    As in the title of this post, this story has a Misanthrope as a main character, Me.
    When i was around thirteen years old, i entered adolescence, so i just felt awkward, but as time went on, i started to feel a certain repulsion for social acts, crowded places disgusted me, physical contact became scarce, and slowly i became a sort of shadow at home, just there for the most basic things, taking the less time possible, being cold with my words.
    Over time, few things changed, now i show more care for those close to me, but if there's something i despise is mankind's futile ways of living, always aiming for having more; more power, more money, more stuff!. I completely avoid material pleasure, being it money, drugs, things, power, call it what you want, but for me, only love, art and thought are the ways of getting pleasure.
    Then it seems that AL's way of living conflict´s with mine, or in a general way, around 96% of people between 13-25 years have a life that conflicts with mine. The misanthrope shows up then.
    AL kept having that kind of behavior, yet something was going terribly wrong, since each day he looked more and more strange, then it seemed that his parent's money he got was nonexistent, he never had enough to eat, but it all made sense when he confessed me the use of around $800 (dollars) in drugs in just a bimester. Most of the country can't even afford bread and this kid can spend $800 in drugs? Asshole!
    Then my ex came back.
    As usual, she was friendly to him, we all were, but then, she started following him, his habits, his lifestyle.
    I was obviously jealous that another man had a close friendship with him, but my senses told me to worry; there was something else to come. something big.
    As time had passed, almost everyone became aware of AL's conduct, my girlfriend's mother was starting to worry about her daughter. No one else seemed to care.
    Everything went like that for some time, until December, when along with group of friends, an independent theatrical company was founded, AL was invited to join.
    It was the first play we did, when my ex and i had similar roles, thus we were on stage and backstage at the same time, mostly alone.
    There, shrouded in the blackness of a theater's curtains, we realized our mistakes, a new relationship started to grow. We spent new year's eve at the beach, with some friends, she and I together again, with a relationship stronger than ever. Making promises until the end of times.
    Of course i had forgotten about AL.
    But as the new year inevitably came, AL reappeared in my life, and she came back to his shroud.
    Then we knew that he was dealing drugs.
    There is a war in México, i don't know what the news tell anywhere else, but my country is in war. Te saddest thing is that we don't even know who's the real enemy!
    In ten months, my single city has been witness of almost 500 murders, all work of the "narco" people, almost half of them innocent people.
    This situation wouldn't really bother me, i mean, there's 6,999,999,500 more persons in this world, But this time was closer than ever to someone i love, someone i really care about.
    There my fight started. I tried everything to make her change. but she only embraced his life more, even sometimes she would ignore my then rotting existence just to go with him.
    The process of another play in the company started, with AL in the role of my older brother.
    That process, along with many parts of the story will be omitted, for it contains more personal/irrelevant stuff, yet it is to remark that it all helped to build the tension, the hate.
    During that process, i also unmasked him, AL was nothing but a sociopath, a man whose purpose was to destroy other's lives in order to get some advantage, he was the lord of lies, the shit at the bottom of mankind's pond, a human worthless even than me!
    I was destroyed. My nerves were shattered, i was living in sadness, i felt the pain give in, and meanwhile, she was trapped, under the spell of the sociopath, pretending resistance, but giving in with all he wanted. Happy.
    The critic moment was a March's night. i came home, i sat in a couch and screamed, cried, and emptied my soul, trying to release all the pain it contained. My nails penetrated my flesh, my tears flooded the night, and, accompanied only by moonlight, i wrote a letter, the first i ever wrote in my life. Today i see it and it is nothing but pain, hate and truth, miserable truth.
    It all seemed to culminate with the end of the play's mounting process and the end of school. She was already away form his hideous existence, and the hate for him was mutual, a school meeting was conducted and it was agreed that he was to be no more allowed as a student.
    The play got successfully promoted and we were invited for some shows in the capital. AL was nothing but a stupid being doing one stupid thing after another. It all ended with the tiredness of him by the rest of the group, but the climax was when, after stealing stuff from another play, AL decided to buy pot and carry it around along with the rest of the group. He was carrying around 100g.
    An immediate meeting was done and he was expelled from the group for irresponsibility and lack of respect of the others.
    It seemed that my life had been fully liberated of his shadow.
    After a great vacation, full of job and theater, i went back to school, just to find that he was back there.
    With no remorse.
    With everybody, including the director, at his side.
    Supporting him.
    Believing on his word.
    Trusting him.
    Now he says he has forgiven me for all that happened and that he just want a friendship with me, that he cares about me.
    I will never believe in that so-called human, i fart in his general direction!
    It will all be tough for me. My girlfriend, my support against him, is now a little distanced from me.
    Thursday, while he was distracted, i opened his bag and stole his journal, at home, when i read it, i found what i expected, drugs, confessions of unsolved mysteries, and one special thing; the confirmation that he also truly hates me.
    Friday morning, i find him looking for his journal. i had a cruel moment, i wanted to see him suffer, so i take it from my bag and store it in a bookshelf.
    I swear i've never seen anyone crying like that for a missing journal, and now, someone older than me? Just pathetic.
    It seems that my own brother, my blood, betrayed me, ratted me out, leading to a catastrophic chain of events to come, all by my own.
    On Saturday, after returning from my girlfriend's, i arrive to my father's house, just to find him having a family breakfast, with a rather displeasant guest: AL.
    AL left on Satuday midday, i'm certain i'll see him tomorrow.
    It seems that now everybody is on his side. That makes a problem, because i'm supposed to give him a public apologize, then i have to explain to a council the reasons why i hid his journal and then ill have to deal with the consequences.
    So, my education, my few friendships, my family's opinion of me, and many other things, hang on a string, all provoked and arranged by AL.
    The misanthrope vs. the sociopath: The real battle of the century. isn't it?
    My apologies for the long post.
  2. Zanza

    Zanza Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 20, 2009
  3. Grakelin

    Grakelin New Member

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    Aug 2, 2007
  4. Grakelin

    Grakelin New Member

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    Aug 2, 2007
    I was muted at the Dwarf Fortress forum a couple years ago for exactly that post.
  5. ytzk

    ytzk Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 30, 2010
  6. Grossenschwamm

    Grossenschwamm Well-Known Member

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    Feb 21, 2006
    I'd tell you to find out where he lives and shit in his pillow case, but I think that might make things worse.

    The guy seems more like a narcissist with some sociopathic leanings than straight sociopath.

    Unless you took pictures, copies, or the actual pages of his journal detailing what pertains to you, I'd say you're screwed. Nothing gets one of those guys more desperate than being found out, or being embarrassed.
  7. Smuel

    Smuel Well-Known Member

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    Feb 22, 2011
    Werozzi, the main thing to remember is that if you are too defensive, people will think you have something to hide. So you should try to avoid becoming angry or emotional during the apology - instead be calm and straightforward about everything. In particular, don't try to deny or avoid responsibility for what you have done - people will likely respect your honesty. However, you should take every opportunity to deflect things back onto your opponent in a matter-of-fact way, e.g. "I realise it was wrong of me to take the journal, and I apologize. I guess I wasn't thinking straight because of the previous times when AL was caught stealing from the theatre and selling drugs. I wanted to check that he hadn't reverted to that same old bad behaviour. My desire to protect the theatre from bad influences may have clouded my judgement." etc.

    If you can trick him into becoming defensive in front of everyone, then that should get them questioning his motives instead of yours. Good luck.
  8. Muro

    Muro Well-Known Member

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    May 22, 2007
    Take the box in which he keeps plastic bags with his dog's shit outside his house, but leave the bags. It's what I always do.
  9. Jojobobo

    Jojobobo Well-Known Member

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    May 29, 2011
    I think Smuel is pretty much on the money, if people want you to make an apology your going to have to do it anyway but try to do it in a way that gives you the upperhand. If this guy is back to his old ways then I hardly think stealing a journal equates to what he's getting up to, though as Gross said without hard proof you don't have much of a leg to stand on.

    Here's a motivational song for you. Go get 'em tiger/another slightly less creepily sexual motivational idiom.
  10. Grammar Nazi

    Grammar Nazi New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 5, 2012

  11. Jojobobo

    Jojobobo Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    May 29, 2011
    Your right your right, I'll never use the wrong you're again. How silly of me.
  12. werozzi

    werozzi Member

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    Apr 16, 2012
    Damn HOL is getting flooded with nazis!
  13. Smuel

    Smuel Well-Known Member

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    Feb 22, 2011

    Yes! In your face, haterz.
  14. Peter Quincy

    Peter Quincy Member

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    Dec 12, 2002
    Be it ever so bitter, there's no place like HoL;
    We're a pissed bunch of cunts, and we'll criticize all;
    From your structure of grammar, to your link, or your hat-
    For we know all of posting's competitive shat.

    Nice to know nothing has changed around here.
  15. Vorak

    Vorak Administrator Staff Member

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    Sep 15, 2003
    So she went to the US and got a sex change? It all makes sense now.
  16. Grossenschwamm

    Grossenschwamm Well-Known Member

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    Feb 21, 2006
    Clever girl...
  17. ytzk

    ytzk Well-Known Member

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    Sep 30, 2010
    Avoid the Machiavellian advice of the imperials, Werozzi. I'm sure they're correct but it misses the point.

    You're in trouble for stealing. Karma. You can't forgive the sociopath - probably sensible - but a sociopath will always be more charming than a misanthrope. Avoid a political fight, it's just more sociopathy.

    You need to put all the cards on the table - "Sorry I stole his diary, I can't trust the guy, won't trust the guy, won't work with him and you'll find out his character soon enough and serves you all right, fuck you! - and live with the karma.

    Long term, others will make their own minds up, and everyone will get their karma.
  18. Grossenschwamm

    Grossenschwamm Well-Known Member

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    Feb 21, 2006

    But are you considering that, after reading werozzi's account of events, the sociopath "stole" from him? Where's the karma on the sociopath's life? If it's that werozzi stole his diary makes up for that, it's not quite even. If it's that the sociopath continues being addicted to drugs and will perpetually use those around him, he's used to being a manipulative train-wreck and probably likes the control he has over people while indulging in his various forms of vice. Even if this described user does finally get what's coming to him, how often are people victimized in the way Werozzi describes exonerated of perceived misdeeds?

    Sociopaths who don't murder their victims or perpetrate overt crimes against others, instead choosing subtle manipulations or drug use, etc., tend to go below the radar for significant amounts of time. They play people so well they may as well be bullet proof - the reason being, they're smart enough to be consistent with whatever charade they enforce. Normally, the ones who fuck up are the dumb ones, or are simply in a state of impaired judgement. The smart ones have to be spotted and avoided at all costs.
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