I'm experiencing this problem across three computers, two browsers, and three ISPs so i think it may be a server/site issue. I'm having pages including the home page load the top screen of the page then say the page is done without giving me access to the rest of the information. Usually a reload/refresh takes care of this, but it can be frustrating. Is this a site issue or just my problem? If it's my problem, how do I fix it? P.S. this also happens to me on the BB if it matters. <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Aldin on 2001-05-29 14:04 ]</font>
If you are using IE, go to Tools>Internet Options>General>Settings and see how your "check for newer version of pages" option is set up. If you change it to automatic or always check, then your browser pages should update every time you go to a website. Hope this helps.
i've had the same problem once or twice this week. never noticed it before, so it should be either be some new feature or the server that is bugging up. but i'm just guessing over here. *monkey waits for other peoples views on the subject*
The only things I can possibly suggest are either system updates or newer video drivers. With 95B, I know there is about a 1.2mb system update available. I've had no problems with 98se. If you were running NT with roaming profiles, I'd suggest maybe it was corrupt but that isn't the case. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. :sad:
i had the problems in school, and their surfing computers are not really uptodate *g* not close to be even.
Im having problems with the VN board. the newest post i can view is from the 24 of this month. is there something wrong with my conection or with the board? Im sorry, i shouldnt ask about another board here, but i dont know where else to ask.
I am renewing my plea. The BB usually works fine now. But T-A's front page is NOT loading right. It's weird, it'll flash the picture of the correctly loaded page then it dumps me to a mostly blank page with the news items on the bottom of the page. if i click on a news item it will load the page just fine. Is it just me? It's driving me crazy...
Thanks Chris but it didn't work. I guess I'll just have to take an extra click or two... :sad: Edit: I loaded Netscape 6 last night and now everything works great! :grin: thanks for all the help. <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Aldin on 2001-06-06 10:27 ]</font>