I want to make a shopkeeper for the players like the one in the mod: Arcanum single player campaign. I use WordEd 1074. Regards, Johan Tibell
Startup Shopkeeper This should happen automatically. The ShopMap that is created by default when making a module contains a shopkeeper and a chest. When someone starts your module, if they choose to Create A Character, they are brought to this shopkeeper. If you haven't messed around with that map, or changed it's entry in MapList.mes, you should be all set. I haven't tried playing around with it . . . but I imagine you could edit this map and adjust the shopkeeper inventory if desired.
Shopkeeper... Yes, you can alter the contents of the chest in ShopMap. (And make the NPC sell them cheaper too :smile: ) But.. If you want the normal everyday kind of shopkeeper that you walk into and talk to and say 'Yo dude, let's trade.' (Er... Not quite). Then you need dialogue. {1}{G:}{G:}{}{}{}{} {2}{B:}{}{1}{}{0}{} {3}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{} and a script: dialog 1 return and skip default and you need to put in a chest and tie that chest to the NPC. This is explained in my tutorial somewhere (Part 2 I think) http://www.terra-arcanum.com/~amtut BUT.. As you are using version 1074 Make sure you click on the 'Arcanum Mod-Making Tutorial' link and read the part under the red heading 'WorldEd Crisis Solved'.
It may be crazy . . . . . . but some of us are actually using 1074 by choice :smile: Ask me again once my module grows beyond the starting town, that bears a striking resemblance to a town created by following the AMTUT :wink:
Hmmm, no the shopmap is still there and it's in the maplist file. I haven't touched it, I've only tried my mod with the premade chars though, do they got to shop? You don't have to edit the *.mes files from within WorldEd (you'll have to launch it though). All the *.mes files are available in a temp directory... <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Johan Tibell on 2001-12-28 08:11 ]</font>
Update: Ah, as long as you play as a non pregenerated character the shopkeeper works fine! Regards, Johan Tibell