i have a little problem with the halcyon altar in Vooriden. i have repaired it with the stone but i am not able to make an offer to halcyon. when i try icant put the branch in the altar. it doesnt open the window to put the item in the altar. when i look the altar it is written that he altar is damaged and so it is impossible to read the information... so if someone knows how can i make my offer or repair this problem... i want to get all the blesses with all gods and with this pb i cant... thank you
Welcome to the forums!! I can't help you with your question, but there are many fine people here who would be glad to help you.
others have had this problem. a bug probably. leave the area and come back or get really annoyed when you discover nothing can be done about it.
Desperados, what part of the description of the forum you don't understand? It says: "no spoilers" so please be kind enough to post gameplay questions at the spoiler board. This thread will be moved there shortly.
heh jinxed-it's like every other post of yours is 'this will be moved to the tips and tricks section shortly'. i find it amusing how few people unnerstand that the genreal discussion is for things that involve arcanum in no way at all :wink: jes kidding
sorry sorry im not american or english so idont understand english very much. i didnt see that it was not the forum for problem... sorry next time i will post in the right place. thank you
Desperadoes...you racist. Americans and English are not the only ones who KNOW ENGLISH VERY WELL. I've seen English people on forums, and god, their english are so bad that I had problem reading. SO, IT DOESNT MEAN THAT IF YOUR AN AMERICAN OR ENGLISH YOUR ENGLISH WILL BE EXCELLENT.
FLR, back off!!!! did it occur to you that because desperados's english skills may not very good that he may well realise this but be unable to convey that in his posts, now that i've gotten that out of my system welcome to the forum desperados :wavey:
thank you mrnobodie i dont know why FLR said that, and i didnt understand all what he said. i dont want to know...
I'm still trying to locate that stone. I reached The Quarry, killed all those black&orane apes, yet can't seem to find that store. Any idea where it lies (exactly where it lies, not "It's somewhere in Arcanum" or so :wink: )?
the stone is in the quarry. it is near the body a stone put on the ground a big stone. it is differnt of the other..