This has happened to me before and the last time i was able to go back to an earlier save that wasnt too far back. However, this time I dont have an earlier save that wouldnt make me do a ton of shit over. The problem is I get stuck in some place and can't get out through the doors, even though they say there are unlocked. I am in the Boil in the warehouse at the far end of the Boil and I have done the quest in there (trying not to give a spoiler away) but when I go to leave I cant get out the front doors, the same i went into. The doors say unlocekd but if i go to click outside of the warehouse my PC jerks foward as if he were going to go but then doesnt. He really is stuck. what should/can i do? thank
Same happened to me in the Boil. I ended up destroying the door to enter that umm, warehouse.:smile: (You probably already know to force attack hold down the Alt key and hit the left mouse button while on target.)
yup, i had the exact same thing happen. at the same "warehouse" on the left hand side of the Boil. and i had to crash the door down. but who really needs the doors at that point anyways?
What happens to me before was the same thing, only, I can't force attack the door phsically, I believe I throw a lot of molotovs and fireflash and bingo, door? what door?? :winknudge: