I'm running an unpatched game, and I'm getting pissed-off. My Gambling skill is maxed, my INT is 20. I play the guy until he runs me out of cash. He offers me a loan and I take it. Then he beats me out of that. The bastard starts off with 1,000 in his pocket, and when I kill him after he beats me out of the loaned money, he has 33,000, even though I only walked in with nine-grand. Where the Hell did that come from?! Do I need to bring more money to start or what? Help? I'm playing a chick for the first time, and giving her the most useless skills I could think of. After mastering Gambling, she's going for Mistress of Haggle. And why is her portrait blonde while her avatar has jet-black hair? <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Feldon Kane on 2002-01-06 01:14 ]</font>
you are not suppose to beat this guy... just loose ALOT of money and if you'll beat him 3 times i think, he will offer you the training