Summer Movies

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ThreeDogs, Mar 14, 2002.

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  1. BortiiS_VoN_BortiiS

    BortiiS_VoN_BortiiS New Member

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    Dec 24, 2001

    You'll have to excuse me if my post is weird or full of errors or doesn't make sense or something, cuz I just woke up and didn't know where I was (It's all slowly coming back to me, don't you hate it when that happens?)!

    URGH! Anyways, I look forward to the new Star Wars movie, I just saw the new long trailer. Also, I saw some behind-the-scenes on the Matrix Reloaded or V2.0 or whatever it's called. It looks fricken tight as f*ck, so I can't wait to see that either (probably next Summer).

    URGH! Anyways, I don't know what else to want to see. What else this summer? OH, Scooby-Doo, I'm sorry, I want to see this movie even though I know it will probably be stupid and cheesy, intentionally (if), just like the show. I watched the sorry f*cking show all them years ago so I just gotta see this too. HAHAHAH! Yeah, alright.

    I also used to totally be into Spider-Man (well, not THAT much into it, ERR), the cartoon I watched (they should bring it back!). Yeah, anyways, I want to see this movie, plus, Sam Raimi directed it and he kicks ass (Evil Dead movies, Darkman, etc.), HOWEVER, I DON'T LIKE the Spiderman CGI. I think the special FX will be totally crap in this movie.
    I saw the previews and they showed Spiderman doing acrobatics and crap with his webs and stuff, but it looked SO FAKE! The CGI was totally obvious and I realized that I just couldn't get into it.
    I mean, crap, just cuz it's CGI doesn't mean it's automatically "great"!
    Did anyone else think the CGI in the movie Gladiator sucked? I did.
    I remember watching The Mummy Returns. The CGI was totally obvious and weak and unrealistic! The Rock was totally fake looking as that Scorpion thing!
    I remember when CGI was making a breakthru and they actually had CGI-characters/stuff that "looked realistic"!
    When I was watching The Phantom Menace, it looked more like a CGI/cartoon movie.
    Special FX are so cheap nowdays.

    I remember seeing previews for A.I. (never saw it, though) and remembering thinking how more "convincing" the special FX looked.
    When I see a movie with CGI and other special FX, I DON'T want to be able to tell that it's a special effect or CGI!
    Man, I can't remember any good example (wait, Saving Private Ryan comes to mind. Convincing FX! Even Battlefield Earth had some convincing FX at times!), I remember there was this one movie (or two or three) where they used special FX and you didn't even know it! Maybe it was CastAway or Who Framed Roger Rabbit (it was real!) or something, I don't remember, but I do remember, just not by name. DAMN. HMM. I'll have to remember and put up their names.

    URGH! Anyways, my head is spinning. I dunno why. I just was feeling fatigued after long day, turned on TV, URGH, woke up and was like,"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!" and then went,"WHERE THE FU-...HUH?!!!"
  2. gamenut

    gamenut New Member

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    Feb 14, 2002
    I liked Galdiator and The Mummy Returns.
  3. BortiiS_VoN_BortiiS

    BortiiS_VoN_BortiiS New Member

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    Dec 24, 2001
    Why I Think Resident Evil Will Suck!

    URGH! Anyways, Resident Evil looks okay.
    #1 F-UP: The whole "running from mutant dog" thing. It IMPLIES that the whole movie is about some kind of "Aliens"-like movie but with mutant dogs and crap. Who the f*ck wants to see that?
    #2 F-UP: They keep showing the slow-motion scene of her drop-kicking a mutant dog (complete with,"HURRRRGGHHHAA!"-Amazonish-woman attack cry). IT LOOKS SO STUPID AND CHEESY! I mean, just cuz it looked good in movies like "The Matrix" or "The One", doesn't mean it's going to work here if it's a mutant dog.
    #3 F-UP: The stupid SHODAN(System Shock 1 and 2)-rip-off thing with the computerized girl. She has a bratty, fake sounding, British accent--very bad/unconvincing voice acting. IT DOESN'T HELP to show this.
    #4 F-UP: The whole "gung-ho" attitude, showing dudes with guns bursting into places, yet, NEVER SHOWING THEM KICKING ASS, and instead, showing a chick running from a rabid dog or picking up ONE gun, a handgun, at the LAST MINUTE, and shooting at some big-dog creature. STUPID! THIS IMMEDIATELY TELLS ME, that this movie is *another* ALIENS3-type movie, where something probably happens, and they lose all their guns. OR, it's like GODZILLA/Alien:Ressurection, where they have all these f*cking guns, but instead of using them, they just stop in their tracks, quiver with fear before the alien/creature/giant-foozle, and run (and then die running), or, run and figure out some "lethal non-lethal/anti-gun way to kill creature" (i.e. ejecting it out of airlock, shooting a beam to make it fall on them, shooting a nearby gasline to blow up and send them back, tricking them into a vat of liquid and they can't swim, tricking them into a vault and then locking it, shooting a door switch to make the door close and crush the creature, shooting gun until empty so that the gun makes a better melee weapon, shooting a barrel of dangerous gas to knock the creature out, shooting at some sensor to set off a firealarm which scares the creature away, etc.).
    #5 F-UP: The fag-core and Slipnot-type (not fag-core) music in the previews that's supposedly in the rest of the movie. Just great, the movie is already rated R (a plus), but to hear that "evil heavy metal" music in the previews? No mature adult is going to take this seriously, parents are going to think twice about letting their kids go see it in addition to second-guessing wanting to see it themselves. When a movie shows a preview and tries to look all "tough-ass" and "bad-ass" with THAT particular type of music to go along with its pretentiously stupid "look at how bad-ass we are!" clips and stuff--that movie is usually CRaP and totally SHiT!
    I mean, Rollerball took that approach and who went to go see that? NO ONE! The movie TANKED!
    So did Queen of the Damned that did this, although, that movie DID NOT follow the books it was based upon, and that's why that movie tanked (well, it didn't bomb as bad as Rollerball; also, I must mention it was kinda cheesy on parts).
    When a movie has previews like that, it shows that it doesn't take itself seriously, and I don't think anyone wants to see a movie that's just gonna waste their time if it's not even going to take itself seriously and just diss the viewer at that point.
    I think Book of Shadows: The Blair Witch Project 2 also did this, had the same kind of soundtrack, and totally ate shit at the box-office.
    Another example: John Carpenter's Ghost of Mars (however, for the record, I actually really liked the music in this movie, at least the metal was ORIGINAL).

    The folks who made Resident Evil, or whoever did their previews, rather, I think they are trying to copy Mission Impossible 2, cuz they did this, and it worked for them.
    But when people actually went to see the movie, it sucked ass, all the action in the previews was in the last 15 minutes of the film (no shitting you here).
    I don't know anyone who went and saw the movie, and then told me they actually liked it.

    They should be following the example of The Matrix. The Matrix, when you see it, has a very original sounding, almost epic-like, "professional" score. It has the hyper-techno-industrial stuff on parts, but the regular orchestral stuff is the main thing and the particular pieces and snips of it and stuff they play work very well, so you take it seriously and are amazed and like"WHOA!"-they also did well to put the RageAgainstTheMachine song (I think it was from them) at the end. And yer like,"YEAH! F*CK IT UP MAN!"

    Imagine if they played fucking Slipknot or Limp Bizkit prententious hardcore "look at me! I'm white with a goatee and I'm all tough and rappin' and pissed off!"-music throughout the whole movie.

    I can see it now, Neo pokes up out of his
    freakish-Geiger-electro cocoon, the camera does that zoom-out/big shot and all of the sudden, some fucking Korn or Limp Bizkit explodes in your ears,"YO! YEAH! MUTHA F*CKA!"-CRUNCH, BRRMMMMM, CRUNCH-CRUNCH! "F-this! F-that!"-CRUNCH-CRUNCH-CRUNCH-BRRRRMMMM!

    I'm not sure if the Blade II previews did this, but people will not care, it would not really matter, because that movie is already "established" by the first movie. They could get away with it.
    A new movie like Resident Evil could not.

    For the record, an orchestra is not required to make an action movie more successful (it helps, Star Wars music and crap is another example), it helps, but it can't save a movie if it sucks, BUT, it can lessen the sucking: Dungeons and Dragons movie, for example. The good soundtrack (I got on CD) helped me swallow the crap that it was alot easier.
    WingCommander movie orchestral soundtrack was just horrible. I was literally wincing in the theater everytime I heard the crappy fanfare "theme" sound off.
  4. BortiiS_VoN_BortiiS

    BortiiS_VoN_BortiiS New Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 24, 2001

    For the record, I liked The Mummy Returns and Gladiator, I just thought the computer special FX were cheap or rather "unconvincing".

    Silly me, to sum up #5 F-UP, I should just say,"The harder you try to be cool, the more you're not."
    Did I mention I just woke up and for a few minutes didn't know where I was?
  5. Sheriff Fatman

    Sheriff Fatman Active Member

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    Sep 20, 2001
    Bortiis, you look strange without your gerbils.

    I've liked both Mummy movies. Scorpion King looks a bit dicey, but I'll give it a butcher's.

    I'm pretty much looking forward to the same ones as Retard said, although some of them might turn out to be Autumn or even Winter movies over here in our land of bratty accents.
  6. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

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    Nov 7, 2001
    To continue with my "This summer is all about the sequels" post

    Thanks guys, you made me remember a couple more.

    Matrix 2
    Blade 2
    Mission Impossible 2(not sure about this one, I heard it was coming though...)

    By the way, anyone know when the next James Bond movie is coming out?? I love Pierce Brosnan. I would go 100% gay for him if he asked me in that bratty accent.. I want him to call me Moneypenny.. Grrrrr....
  7. Vlad the Imposter

    Vlad the Imposter New Member

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    Feb 25, 2002
    Do you mean Mission Impossible 3? MI 2 is already out.
  8. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

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    Nov 7, 2001
    Damn, you're right. Man I feel like an ass. No, I guess I was thinking about something else. Haven't heard about mission impossible 3.....

    Man, was that a serious brain-fart, or what? :lol:
  9. Sheriff Fatman

    Sheriff Fatman Active Member

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    Sep 20, 2001
    Retard, Matrix Reloaded is not out until May 2003 and T3 is not out until July 2003.

    Also, get your sorry donkey into the RPG forum and make a post. Once you've agreed, I'll take us to Jobriath
  10. ThreeDogs

    ThreeDogs New Member

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    Feb 8, 2002
    The good news is retard that matrix 2 & 3 should be released about 6 months apart. All I want for christmas 03 is Return of the King and Matrix 3.
  11. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

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    Nov 7, 2001
    Ok, I remember in a previous thread that fatman and some others were talking about how they liked Jet Li's 'Kiss of the Dragon'. I didn't really like it that much. It had no story to it at all, hardly.

    HOWEVER, I just rented 'The One' this weekend. It was friggin' awesome. Kinda had a Matrix-like feel to it. Have any of you guys seen it?
  12. ThreeDogs

    ThreeDogs New Member

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    Feb 8, 2002
    Yeah, the One was better and talk about setting up a sequel. "I am Yu Law, I am nobodies bitch. You are all mine." :rofl:
  13. gamenut

    gamenut New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 14, 2002
  14. ThreeDogs

    ThreeDogs New Member

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    Feb 8, 2002
    *sigh* That my prepubescent friend is why you still need more schooling.
  15. Amos Trask

    Amos Trask New Member

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    May 30, 2001
    In the matrix you just saw the people as super fast blurs or as everyhting in sort of semi-slo mo but in the one at the start when he fought those cops hand to hand he was normal speed and yoou could see all the corpses just floating on the screen. It was so kick arse. Kiss of the drag was okay but that french guy had to be the best done bad guy I have ever seen
  16. Jinxed

    Jinxed Active Member

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    Aug 13, 2001
    Welcome back Amos. It's cool to see some of the old time posters from time to time. *Jinxed still remembers Dakun... That was one cool guy. *This statement ends todays nostalgia.
  17. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

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    Aug 5, 2001
    If he's the 5'11' 'giant' he claims to be at nearly 13, then I doubt he's prepubescent...doesn't stop him acting like it though :grin:.
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