I hope someone can help me? Iwent on a killin spree and killed evryone in the boil and killed the elf in stillwater and the chic who's husband i was supposed to find innocent to release jormand and now i can't get any of the quest from quinterra or the white lady!!!!!!
re; help arogoth thanks but are sure there is nothin else i can do my character is lv 46 and really strong i dont want to start over
there's no need to retsart a new game if you have a save before you killed everyone if you don't, well....... looks like you will be saving often with your new char. btw welcome :wavey: and stay off my lawn you kids.
Well... Not sure if I understood it correctly but you have reached quinarra but haven't been able to receive the quests? If your problem is not being able to reach Quintarra, take the amulet the Elf in Stillwater has on him to the healer woman in north-Shrouded Hills and she'll point you to Quintarra... *pees on mr.nobodie's lawn*
i just had a thought have you tried talking to raven, the lady dressed in black to the left of the entrance to the silver lady. *watching secretly from window* that's right you little bastard, keep on peeing, little do you realise your getting ever closer to the electrified blade of grass that will burn your pee pee. *edit* i just noticed that this was my 600th post, what can i say but "i'm a dirty bastard" _________________ do you feel me poking you in the back?, here's my hands out here, now, can you still feel it? <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: mrnobodie on 2002-03-20 12:26 ]</font>
well thats the problem raven doesnt show up ihave jumped around and completed every quest short of going to caladon or roseborough but cant get any thing from the silver lady
when you say you've killed a chick, do you mean the wife of the poison guy in quintarra? cuz i'm pretty sure once you kill an elf in quintarra, you've screwed the pooch... AHEM... in vlad's place, i bid you "Welcome to the Forum, thunderfist!" :wavey:
Rosenshyne... If you kill an Elf in Quintarra, don't the spirits of the woods kill you and your party instantly? Anyhoo if Raven isn't there I'm pretty sure it's a bug :shootme:
Did you find Qintarra randomly, or was it marked on your map by the Elf in Stillwater? If you don't follow the plot line, it can screw up the game. If you just stumbled upon Qintarra, pick up the story line again, and that should fix it. Get Qintarra marked on your map by an NPC and Raven should be there.
take the necklace that was on the stillwater elf, and bring it to the herb lady in shrouded hills... she'll point you to quintarra...