1. Where do I get coordinates of Gorgoth's pass? So far I only heard rumors about it from a guard in Caladon, he mentioned that some old adventurer told him about the pass. I can of course just stumble upon in (esp. with the help of Locations seciton at TA) but I'd like to know who tells me about it. Also there's a dead man in a cursed armor in that pass. Is there some quest related to him? 2. I heard a rumor about some bandits hiding in mountains near Roseborough and that they supposedly are responsible for robbing the inn. Where can I get the quest to find them?
I love that armor it is so godamm good that you are practiacly unvunerabole when using it.....NO it is not! never take that armor on please don't you will die die. Was he lying only none way to find out?
Gorgoth Pass Location SPOILER, Roseborough I found the pass accidently. The location is 1500W 1443S. Then go just a bit south & then west to get through it. I first heard about Roseborough from Bingham Schulefest in the Cemetary in Caladon after I dug up the grave.
I don't think you ever actually get the location on your map pointed out. I think you have to find it on your own, similar to Torg's alter.
there's no quest to find the theives... supposedly you can get a quest from them, but i've never been small enough to get in, so i don't know...
Actually the quest is to find the thieves. It will only trigger if you play one of the small races (ie. small enough to get in).
Gorgoth's Pass and.... Just make sure that when you head for this pass that you know what you're in for. I won't give it away unless asked, but I'll tell you this much--many, many bad-assed monsters just waiting for something young and tender! 'nuff said!
Thanks everyone. Since I'm a dwarf I'm gonna search for the thieves 'manually' though I'll probably just take the coordinates from TA. :smile: Prometheus Thanks for warning but I've already been through that pass and more than once - I was just wandering whether anyone actually got the coordinates somewhere inthe game.
The theives want you to plant evidence on a guy in Rosebourough. It's only worthwhile if you are a sklled pickpocket.