Hello! Well i've tried to use dynamite in combat and out of combat, but either way, nothing happens. Am i using it wrong or is this a technical issue?
Welcome to the forums Bloofaerie! :wavey: To use dynamite, either drag it to the 'use' button in your inventory or put one in a quickslot and then click on it. Then just click anywhere you wish to put it (best on an inanimate object - I think living, or undead things fight you if you place it on them). Then run - you've got about 5-10 seconds before it blows. There is no range limit to where you place it and you don't have to be in the same room even (you can destroy things in a room you can't even get into!), but I would suggest you don't use it in combat because if the person is next to you when it goes off then you also take a lot of damage.
If you place the dynamite on someone, it doesn't go off, they just get up and attack you. Though Ferret has merit with his other points. However, explosions=no XP..sorry...(insert crying smiley here if it wasn't so dman rascist...)
Well helowwwww Vyaas... how do you you like my SIG. I thought you were here before TA broke down. *spam can avatar* *spam*
I was here, however, my account has stopped working and I registered a new one, doesn't matter, I'm still the same old Vy-ass that you all know and love*. *Hate with a passion.
I tried to kill Kerghan with dynamite and paralysers, the problem was he kept going unparalysed any I went to "renew his dose" then the dynamite went off and killed me. :realmad: