Snore Wars

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bryant1380, Jun 17, 2002.

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  1. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

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    Nov 7, 2001
    Now, before you stone me for blasphemy, allow me to explain.....

    I finally got to see Snore Wars Ep. 2 this weekend, and I must say, I'm rather disenchanted with it. It just never got off the ground for me. My wife fell asleep, curled up in her chair. Watching her do that asleep-head-bob-thing was more entertaining than the movie. My gripes?

    Obi-Wong Kanobi was stupid-looking in his beard. Qai-gon Jin (however you spell his name, in Episode 1) was MUCH better.

    Anakin was a whiney bitch. Ohh, the teen-age angst. Reminded me of a certain poster here.

    The whole Jedi Council not being able to use the force very well was stupid and dissapointing. It was said several times in the movie, but was never explained. Yawn. Ho-hum.

    The good parts? Simple. There were three. Natalie Portman's bare midriff (my wife was asleep, it was fair game. It's not my fault she fell asleep on the job) Yoda whippin' ass, and all the eye-candy, special effects.

    The whole time I felt as if this was just a lot of filler, dead screen time, whatever, to get us up to Episode 3. I walked outta the movies with less understanding of what was going on than when I walked in.

    My questions....

    1. Who the hell is Boba Fett in the later episodes?

    2. Who the hell was Jenga Fett in this one?

    3. Who was it that ordered those long tall skinny things on that rainy planet to build all those clones? (I thought that the person who ordered the clones was bad, but then in the end the clones were fighting for the good side. WTF?)

    4. Who was Count Dooku, and what the hell did he have to do with anything?

    I guess the biggest thing I don't understand is the whole clone thing. Who was wanting them and why....

    I know some of these questions are pretty dumb, and when you answer them, I'm gonna slap my forehead and say "D'Oh!" But, I just couldn't really get into the movie...Just
  2. gamenut

    gamenut New Member

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    Feb 14, 2002
    Never watched the movie, but who are you talking about when you compared Anakin to someone on this board?
  3. Ferret

    Ferret New Member

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    Sep 28, 2001
    I haven't actually seen the movie yet, but what I gather is:

    1. Bounty hunter.

    2. Boba Fett's father. I believe he is killed - thus leading his son (Boba) to become a bounty hunter to avenge him.

    3. The clones ARE fighting for the good side in this one - they are the original stormtroopers (I think) and are created as a quick solution to the current war situation. It is only once Palpatine disbands the senate and becomes Emperor that they become used as a tool for evil (ie. big, quick, cheap, expendable army.)

    4. No idea, never seen the film.
  4. Ct0fDiscord

    Ct0fDiscord New Member

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    Feb 17, 2002
    You make it sound better that I missed seeing it after the 4 WEEKS IT WAS IN THE THEATERS! :x :cry:
  5. Ioo

    Ioo New Member

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    Sep 22, 2001
    retard was talking about me;) Anakin's my hero!
  6. Mr Smiley

    Mr Smiley New Member

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    Jun 18, 2002




    [​IMG] [​IMG]






  7. Ct0fDiscord

    Ct0fDiscord New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 17, 2002
  8. tzehoong

    tzehoong New Member

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    Mar 31, 2002
    I've posted this on another forum, but you don't know where it is so...

    Story - it was a perfect, second-last-piece-of-the-jigsaw fit.

    Romance - oh PLEASE.

    Amidala : "Ever since I met you again I little bit of me dies every day." (or something like that, at least).

    How original. How thoughtful. HOW CORNY. C'mon, rolling in the fields? Declaring your love (to Obi) for someone you haven't seen since you were, like, a tempurung haired kid?

    Action - Hm. Now, I love lightsabers and all, and George Lucas seems to know that the whole world does like 'em. So why do they move so slowly? remember the scene in the arena with bout a dozen Jedis outnumbered by clones? Man, they wielded their lightsabers as if they (the sabers) were filled with lead or somethin. When people are shooting at you from all directions you'd expect a wee bit more urgency. And the way Fett died was so silly it was laughable.

    Obi-Wan's and Anakin's fighting was better, but what happened to the scene where Anakin dual-wielded? When I saw it in the trailer I thought "man, this scene I have to see." But within 5 seconds he's down by one saber, within fifteen down by one freakin' HAND. so much for his talent.

    Now Yoda - THAT's the way people should be fighting. I never knew he kept a lightsaber. Didn't think it would be green though. I had a picture of it (a split second before he activated it) being gold.

    Acting - I hate Portman. I loved Ewan's Obi-Wan(cause he's so darn cynical). Hayden - he fitted perfectly. To me he pulled off the torn-between-rebellion-and-affection character of Anakin really well. Too bad they took their romance scriptwriters from the School of Britney Spears Wannabes.

    All-in-all, Ok watch. Worth my RM9, if just for the sheer scope, eye-candy, and Hayden. Can't wait for no.3.

    p.s. for all those who played Jedi Knight II, why didn't Obi-Wan's lightsaber fizzle when it was raining?


    For me, Star Wars is weird. On the outside you have all the whizz-bang eyecandy, corny lines and bad acting - and in the case of episodes 4-6, relatively bad choreography. And I especially hate C3P0 - why can't he just DIE, for goodness' sake.

    Delve deeper, though, and you find a unique story. Maybe influenced by LoTR perhaps, but unique nonetheless.

    George Lucas did a superlative job with the overall plot. The development of Anakin into Darth Vader coupled with the events leading to the fall of the Jedi are just plain heart-wrenching tragic. When it sinks in that in A New Hope Obi-Wan was carrying the burden of knowing that it was his very apprentice whom he cared for so much who had taken away the peace they had fought for in the past; and that he died at the hands of Anakin, then you will not be able to stop the story from touching your heart.

    And the Emperor being able to hide his identity even from Master Yoda - that was an insight into how much darkness can cloud your life without you realising it.

    Consider, too, the glorious atmosphere, the intricate detail put into every scene, the cultures of different worlds, and of course, the rousing score. They have become industry standards. Bear in mind that Star Wars was a 70s movie. A plot with such scope was rare then, much less the believable worlds that Lucas wove with his mind.

    Can anyone help but to admire Star Wars, cheese and all?
  9. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

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    Nov 10, 2001
    Don't you hate that? You post something in another forum, and it crops up somewhere else. Then you say, "No, I won't reply. I've already said my part about that". But then something, something just makes you reply.

    That was icky. She's acting all "little boy I haven't seem for a while" and it's like.... You were what? HOW OLD? The same age right? RIGHT??? What's this little boy BS?

    Like father, like son.

    BEWARE: The angry green midget.

    YES! He was too corny in this movie.

    I uhhh..... Think that's what Mr Smiley said with the "I'm with stupid" sign..... I think....

    Ep 2 was better than Ep 1. Brought back some of the good bits. It had it's "k3wl" factor.
  10. tzehoong

    tzehoong New Member

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    Mar 31, 2002

    My sentiments exactly.

    In most aspects. I liked the choreography in Phantom Menace much better though. It was more intense - and of course, the good guys won then :).

    A question going around is "Why didn't Yoda push Anakin and Obi-Wan out of the way, instead of trying to prevent the pillar from falling?". Anyone have an answer to that?

    p.s. I forgot to clarify that tempurung means "coconut shell" in malay. basically i used it to refer to hair that looks like one...
  11. Sheriff Fatman

    Sheriff Fatman Active Member

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    Sep 20, 2001
    The pillar things is just one of those questions that there is no point in asking. If you try to rationalise these things, most of them won't hold up. Why did Yoda try to lift the pillar? Why did the Emporer even topple it instead of just splatting the lads with invisible force? The answer is that it made a good spectacle.

    There is a knack to watching action fiction. All fiction depends on the suspension of disbelief by the audience. It's a collaboration between the narrator and audience, sometimes referred to as license, wherein the narrator strives to make the unbelievable elements (eg. light-sabres) seem plausible, and the audience refrains from asking for justifications and rationalisations.

    Action films inherently don't have as much effort to devote to plot integrity, dialogue or characterisation and at the same time are required to constantly reach new heights for action sequences. Hence, the burden of maintaining suspension of disbelief falls more heavily on the audience.

    Star Wars is an action-adventure movie. It is a very, very good one, but nevertheless will not be able to justify everything done by characters. If you want to enjoy it fully, do you best not to ask awkward questions.

    That said, there comes a point when the implausibility becomes impossible to ignore. I don't think the pillar falling was one of them, but the frolicking in the meadows was. It was ridiculous and intrusive.

    BTW, I like Obi Wan. I was amazed at how Alec Guiness they managed to get Ewan McGregor.

    Retard, sorry you didn't like it. It WAS a long movie and I can see how you might find it dull. There were quite a few spaces where not a lot happened, I suppose.
  12. Qilikatal

    Qilikatal New Member

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    Feb 22, 2002
    Anyone here seen the thumb-wars movie. with all those thumbs fighthing with lightnails. crybaby and so on, And obi-dobi-wasobi or something like that. i dies every time i see that.
  13. tzehoong

    tzehoong New Member

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    Mar 31, 2002
    true, true.

    how bout the hippos with huge bums? :). I wondered how they could even run...

    i had a marathon session of the Episodes 4-6 last week. Man, did the first saber duel between Obi-Wan and Vader look lame!
  14. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

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    Nov 7, 2001
    Sheriff I guess I was a bit harsh in my first post. I did enjoy the movie. (When you don't get to go to the movies as much as you like, you enjoy just being there..) I guess my biggest problem was that I was just con-frickin'-fused. I still have no idea who Dooku is, or who ordered the clones built and why. I just walked outta the movie with a very muddled sense of what was going on.

    Plus the fact that my wife and I went to the late feature probably contributed to my sleepiness with this movie.
  15. Sheriff Fatman

    Sheriff Fatman Active Member

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    Sep 20, 2001
    As I understand it ...

    Dooku was a member of the Jedi council "until ten years ago" (putting it at about the time of Episode I. When old red eyes (Darth Maul) fell down the trash compactor, Palpatine needed a new right-hand man, so subverted Dooku (by giving him a flash of what's under the robes). Since that time, Dooku has been a puppet of the Darkside, doing the emporer's work.

    The bit that may seem confusing is that Palaptine is leader of the senate and also the evil Sith Lord. As Sith Lord, he was effectively engineering (through Dooku) the trade federation droid army. As leader of the senate, he was calling for a "grand army of the republic", which turns out to be the clone army of Stormtroopers-to-be. At the end of episode II, the clones fight the droids. In essence, two armies controlled by him fight each other, which may seem crazy.

    It doesn't seem so crazy when you think that in the resultant conflict, the Jedi are decimated, the senate hands over emergency powers to Palpatine (effectively making him a dictator), and there is a shedload of fear, anger and hatred to feed darkside.

    So tell me, does it make more sense now? Or less, perhaps?
  16. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

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    Nov 7, 2001
    Loads more sense. Thanks Sheriff. I can't wait to rent it when it comes out on VHS so I can watch it again and try to make all the pieces fit...

    The part that I didn't get was that it was Palpatine making the clones as well as the droids.
  17. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

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    Nov 7, 2001
    Ok, 'nother question. Who hired Jenga Fett? Palpatine? Wasn't it he whom the clones were made after? And what role does his "un-manipulated clone" son Boba Fett play in the later episodes?
  18. Sheriff Fatman

    Sheriff Fatman Active Member

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    Sep 20, 2001
    Well, bearing in mind I have pieced my assumptions together from the same material you have ...

    The film said that some Jedi ordered the creation of the clone army ten years before (i.e. at the time of Episode I again). When Sammy Jackson and the little green man were talking about this Jedi, they looked at each other funny and said something like "maybe we should tell people about the problems we've been having using the force."

    So, I'm thinking maybe Darth Maul or Palpatine ordered the clone army creation and masked their activities from Yoda the same way Palpatine masks his real identity. Either that or the mysterious Jedi created the army, then was booted out of the Jedi gang and went over to the Darkside (possibly becoming Darth Maul) or just disappeared.

    Either way, the young Fett grows up to be the bounty hunter who tracks down Han Solo and hands him over to Jabba in Empire Strikes Back. He eventually dies by falling into the maw of a carniverous sandcastle in Return of the Jedi. I'm thinking he's likely to figure in some way or other in Episode 3, but don't know how.
  19. Milo

    Milo New Member

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    Sep 12, 2001
    I'm thinking that Dooku went the Clone world under the guise of Sifo Dias and commisioned the clone army. Him and Palapatine either murdered Sifo Dias or they just used the name of a recently dead/missing Jedi. Here's why I think this: When Obi-Wan is talking to Jango Fett, he asks him if Sifo Dias is the one who hired him to be the master clone. Fett, replied something like "No, it was a man named Tyrannus". Later on, we learn that Darth Tyrannus and Count Dooku are the same guy.

    I'm not up on Star Wars mythology, but I think it was mentioned in one of the movies that Boba Fett was sort of known as "that bounty hunter that helped to exterminate the Jedis after the clone war". By the time the original three movies came out, the only Jedis left were Obi-Wan and Yoda. All the rest were killed off by Darth Vader and Boba Fett.

    Or maybe not. I could've sworn I read that somewhere, though. George Lucas really laid the groundwork for this being the case, with that last shot of Boba holding his "dad's" decapitated head.
  20. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

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    Aug 5, 2001
    Actually, I thought it looked pretty good - Ewan McGregor was pretty damn good as Obi-Wan Kenobi.

    1. Bob Fett is a bad-ass bounty hunter. Clone of Jango Fett, raised as son.

    2. Jango Fett is a bad-ass bounty hunter.

    3. Some dude named Syfa Dias.

    4. He was gathering all the rogue elements together so that they could be eliminated so the Empire would have no opposition. I think.

    I know those questions were already answered, but I wanted to answer them myself :D.

    Also, I thought Jango's death was done really well.

    Incorrect. The majority of Jedi were dead in Star Wars mythology, but some had hidden like Yoda and Obi-Wan. There were others. One guy goes into hiding in an Imperial prison. Have a read of the Star Wars Galaxies site - there's a question about this somewhere on the site, and they launch into a lengthy explanation.
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