Anyone watching this? It's on day 6 and has been great so far. Australia are leading the medal tables (mainly due to the massive numbers of golds won by their women) and Canada and England are coming up behind. This is one of the few places where England, Wales, Scotland and N. Ireland compete separately, rather than as the UK, so it is pretty interesting to see how it pans out.
I thought it was those countries that were originally under British commonwealth rule - ie. the old countries of the 'British Empire'.
No, the Commonwealth still exists. It is mainly ex-colonies or nations with which Britain has has an association. It's a co-operative arrangement affecting trade, immigration, development programs, etc.
Hell yeah! We kick ass! And no one I know of is watching it here either . Our wymyn are better than your wymyn... I'm quite surprised at how well we are apparently going as well (not keeping on the medal tallies). One important thing is that the swimming events haven't even taken place yet - you can bet viewer numbers will go up here when Ian Thorpe is racing. Man, that guy is a freak, but in a good way. His feet as as long as the height of a tabloid (if tabloids have standard sizes that is...I'm not sure if they do. I remember his foot was as long as the page of hte tabloid I read about it in though).
He really is amazing. When he swims it looks like he isn't even trying. I wanna know why our wimmin are doing so bad. If they were doing as good as our men, we'd be leading the medals.
It's really surprising that Canada is at third (but not that surprising), and won like record 16 medals on one day. Although there is a blemish in that one athlete got caught with surprise surprise, illegal substance in his system, and he's banned for like four years mandatory period. BTW is the Commonwealth a bunch of nations that England colonized in their heyday as the superpower?
I guess so. Uganda is participating as well, i read an article about how they lacked the money to buy training gear, so it was given to them so they could get in the games. I remember seeing Ian Thorpe at the Olympics. He's a beast.
Hey Jarinor, check out this page (it's Malaysia's leading newspaper). Did your media really say that? No, it isnt. It's supposed to be the second or third largest international sports events in the world. Maybe a medium version . Australia keeps winning though. Just like USA in the Olympics.
Australia can even win the summer Olympics event, they have some fantastiic athletes there. Thanks for the link, Sherrif. I never knew that during Commonwealth essay writing contest that I was competing with the denizens of all those countries. Who cares, I was never good at anything. Forgive my ignorance.
That might have been said tzehoong. It wouldn't surprise me coming from a Sydney tabloid. Actually, the way it stands, we have 41 gold medals or so at the moment. Hell, we have cities whose athletes have done better, or could potentially do better, than entire nations. As for the idea of splitting up the states to compete separately, eh, I don't know. It might work, but the interstate rivalry would become ridiculous.
Yeah, it's bad enough as it is, Queenslander *leers at Jarinor*. Don't you reckon the government should've kept Melbourne as the capital? They changed it early on, but couldn't decide where to put it because of Vic/NSW rivalry. So they make a new territory, INSIDE NSW. Sheesh.