Has anyone seen this "music video" yet? It's a shockwave animation by estudio.com - a parody of "Video Killed the Radio Star" by The Buggles. MTV was launched in 1981, and they used "Video Killed the Radio Star" as their first music video to represent the transition from radio to television as the most popular broadcast medium. "Internet Killed the Video Star" is good - while TV may still be around for a very long time it's still quite funny. Huge download though. http://atomfilms.shockwave.com/bin/content/shockwave.jsp?id=regurge01. On a side note does anyone know where I could download the music video of "Video Killed the Radio Star"? I only have the mp3.
No replies yet? Well, i've seen the video, quite funny actually. I have the VKTRS video on my comp, dunno anyplace you can dl it though. Kazaa has it of course, if you don't mind using that.
Spyware alert! At least, I've heard Kazaa has spyware...someone here can probably tell you how to disable it though tzehoong.
Oops, i thought that was more or less common knowledge. Kazaa has got spyware, as does many other programs. Hell you probably have spyware installed as we speak, there's a ton of websites that install it without your knowledge. I don't care myself, but if you wanna get rid of it, there's some programs and sites that explain how. http://www.scumware.com A quick search on Yahoo for Spyware also yields plenty of results.
er..thanks (told me too late). i had to uninstall it anyway because my network firewall in uni doesn't seem to let kazaa connect. guess i won't be getting the video anytime soon.
I did have a look for you, but I don't currently have any file sharers installed. My general search was crippled by the evil that is winamp playlists. Why people autogenerate a playlist then bung it on a web page is completely beyond me. You end up with a load of "Buggles - Video Killed the Radio Star" hits from people essentially saying "Yeah, I listen to that but, no, I haven't posted it for anyone else to download." "Videos for trade" lists are even worse, because you can't filter with a file extension.
If you're going to use a P2P file sharing client, get KaZaa Lite. KaZaa Lite. Not the regular one. The Lite version has a dummy Cydoor .dll that makes KaZaa think you're running it's spyware when in fact, you are not.
Please, save yourself some psychological trauma and get it with a file sharer. I had another quick look with google, and stumbled unsuspecting across the horror that is Dr Yo's unoriginal masters
Yeah, I just quoted myself. Leave me alone. I just wanted to add that if you run AdAware, it will report this .dll as spyware. Don't let AdAware delete this dummy file, otherwise it will disable your P2P client. So just set AdAware to ignore this.
Well Ad-aware is purging my comp as we speak. how? had a good laugh after that . but the file size would've been a good indication
winmx isnt that bad. its gives really good details so you can download the file from the best place you can find. Yea... when it works, its good :roll:
Good news! Got the video with WinMX. Bad news is that I don't like it - bad makeup, bad costumes, bad actors, etc. oh well. Guess video really did kill the radio star.
Eh? I asssumed you wanted it for its so-bad-it's-good factor. If I'd known you were hoping for a quality video, I'd have dis-abused you
Well, I don't have a problem with slapstick comedy, but the way it's done is just plain distasteful. The video doesn't make any sense. I did like the first part - the little girl crouching in front of the old radio. Things got bad when they began focusing on that so-unsexy girl with a coloured wig and the dudes with lousy glasses. I first heard this song back in 1998.. my scout patrol was looking for a good song to choreograph a dance around for camp - and all of a sudden one of us pulled out an oldie album. "Why not try an oldie", she said. All the songs didn't seem very good, but when we heard VKTRS it caught our attention immediately - catchy, funny, nostalgic, and of course full of good cue opportunities. And the lyrics actually had a good message inside. We made a cha-cha sequence out of it, and all of us enjoyed ourselves. We only placed fourth in the end, but it was worth it. The tab was easy to find, as were the MIDI and mp3. The video took some looking around, but was the least enamouring of all the media. I didn't expect something of super-quality, just a simple video that captured the charm.