Some guy called Chris Avellone (a guy who works for BlackIsle, apparently - you might recognise the name if you're better with names than I am) is asking which perks and traits you preferred from Fallout. I doubt they're making Fallout 3, but maybe some intelligent feedback would help keep traits and perks (or equivalents) on track for other games. Nip on over if you wanna contribute.
I sense incredibly long, quote filled posts in this thread's future... Anyway, one of my favorite combos of traits and perks was: -Bloody Mess -Slayer -Action Boy -Faster Hand to Hand -Bonus Move Team that up with a Mega Power Fist and roam through the wastelands tearing people in half by punching them in the crotch.
Yup. Unarmed is a great combat skill. What bothers me about some of the people replying in that thread is they render all perks and traits they don't like, useless, with reasons that are incredibly narrow-minded. It's the good old "I don't like it, so it sucks!" logic. I've played countless character combinations, and i liked having perks and traits that fit all of them. Anything less would really kill the variety. I wouldn't be very happy if Arcanum only had 5 different backgrounds to choose from either.
Yeah, I noticed that. I hope you spoke up and said something to that effect on the forum (if you're registered) Since there doesn't seem to be anything to which they could directly apply the answers, I'm hoping they're more interested in what kind of things people like about certain perks/traits, so they can apply it a bit more generally.
No. He's asking preferences (not importance) and while perks, traits, skills etc... do depend on the game, he's already mentioned which game he's talking about: Fallout. So there's nothing I can really whine about. Which is a shame...
Okay, I'm too lazy to register an account, so I'll list some of my favourite perks and traits...So, if someone with an account there wants to post it for me... 1. Gifted. No character is complete without it . 2. Bloody mess. It's just funny. 3. Slayer. Hard to get to, but so worth it. 4. Sniper. Long wait, not quite as good as Slayer, but still great. 5. Action boy. More AP's are good AP's. 6. Bonus Rate of Fire. A must (where applicable). 7. Bonus hand to hand attacks. A must (where applicable). 8. Pyromaniac. The concept is cool, but I rarely took it. Ditto Demolition Expert. Actually, I liked pretty much all the perks and traits. They were cool in their own ways.
You should all recognise the name and worship it! Chris Avellone was the lead designer on Torment. That alone makes him a badass of Tim Cain'ian proportions, no matter what some disgruntled Fallout fan community members may try to tell you.
Hoho - I don't think any of us have accounts there. I don't think I'll register just for this - it might be seen as a bit off when it turns out to be the only post I make.
Well, I'm too lazy to register. Like I said. And Chris Avellone is like, The Man over at BIS (from what I hear). Had a street named after him in Arcanum (Rue de Avellone, over near Madam Lil's. First street on the left crossing the bridge on the way there. Opposite the junk dealer kind of). Pretty minor street though.
Just wondering, does Milo equal Milo Humperwinkle on the BIS Boards? Anyway, Chris Avellone is sorta like the "link" between BIS and the people, he posts quite a bit in the Fallout forum. Some may even remember him from reading this infamous thread :roll:
I'll field this one for Milo...No, he isn't Milo Humperwinkle. If Milo had a second part to his name, it would be Yambag . Edit - Your linkage skills need some work, Rat Keeng, because that link is broken!
Rat Keeng, what the hell? He is totally slamming BIS in that thread....Isn't he? Or is he just being sarcastic? I really can't tell. I read most all of his posts.....
He just popped i guess. All the commotion about Fallout Fantasy being an action console game, and the criticism of BIS following those rumors were just too much for everyone, so the board just turned to anarchy for a few days. Long time ago though, so it's all forgotten now. Still fun to read
When it came to Fallout Fantasy, I think everyone popped a gasket or two. My dragon si gonna own teh wastes!!11!!1! I loved Mr Carrot's site.
I do not know the perks and traits for sure since it has been some time since I last created a character for Fallout, but if they allowed gamers to create their own perks that would be fun. I liked Bloody Mess, and sniper. I also recall that some perk called Action Boy or similiar was rather useful as well.