Naturally, this board is also meant for discussion of demo hints and strategies. Please don't put any spoilers in subject lines. For example, name your post: "Help needed with mayor of Blahtown", but don't name it "Mayor of Blahtown gets angry after I get the necklace from his daughter, what am I doing wrong?" Enjoy... [edit] I'm h4Xx0ring this so it stays on top... wish me luck. :smile: [edit2] Whee, it worked! Look, a post from the future! [edit3] No wait, it didn't. Never mind. <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Calis on 2001-05-10 12:52 ]</font>
Important note... You could just bump it every day... :smile: Here's a post to help you along. Heheh...
I've searched for my posts and I've come up with this as my first post though I am certain this isn't my first post.
I think your first post might be here:
You'll probably find it listed the posts in the wrong order, and you were looking at your latest post! :roll:
All you have to do is make this a sticky and it'll stay at top... I've got a phpBB board and it's very easy. There should be a sticky button below the last post. It looks like a squished blob...