What's wrong with this picture?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Darkwalker, Oct 16, 2002.

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  1. Darkwalker

    Darkwalker Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 30, 2002
    http://www.cnn.com/2002/WORLD/meast/10/ ... index.html

    100% of the vote, over 11 million votes tallied from paper ballots overnight, and he was the only candidate. Surely nothing to worry about, he must be telling the truth about the status of his nuclear weapons development program. :shootme:
  2. Hel Khat

    Hel Khat New Member

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    Aug 27, 2002
    That is so insane. I can not expect anyone to believe that this man was able to bully 11 million people into voting for him. Nor can I believe that after this vote that there are people who want him out but are afraid. It's all a bunch of crap the man is a terrioist leader of a terrioist nation. 100 % that means either they are all cowards or liars. I mean not even 99%??? He welds that much fear and power that he got everyone to stick their nose up his ass? Not one man with balls enough to say "Fuck you" Your killing my people and sending them to death with your policies!? Well if they can all vote with him I guess they really don't care what the US will do, so why should I?
  3. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

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    Nov 10, 2001
    You were right about that part. That's what happened if you DIDN'T vote for him.

    I love rigged elections. I envy undemocratic democratic countries. :sigh:
  4. Settler

    Settler Member

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    Jul 6, 2002
    Oh, some people would have said Fuck You, believe me. It's just that Saddam Baby didn't want to listen, hence the 100% vote.
  5. Ct0fDiscord

    Ct0fDiscord New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 17, 2002
  6. Settler

    Settler Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 6, 2002
    Ah, but that's between you, me, and Saddam Baby *wink* *nudge*.
  7. Darkwalker

    Darkwalker Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 30, 2002

    Well, here's a prime example of what happens to "peaceful solutions" in real life. The "go fuck yourself" attitude seems to be catching on, I think it's time for the lawful community of the world to demonstrate a "we mean business" attitude.
  8. Sheriff Fatman

    Sheriff Fatman Active Member

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    Sep 20, 2001
    They may have nuclear weapons, but why does that bother you? Because they are your enemy. Why are they your enemy? Because you fought a war with them.

    If we put as much effort into overcoming differences and making friends as we do into protecting our interests and developing weapons, we probably would only have to worry about a few nutters like Saddam, rather than a whole load of countries who we've made enemies of.
  9. Darkwalker

    Darkwalker Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 30, 2002
  10. Darkwalker

    Darkwalker Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 30, 2002
    Sheriff, it bothers me because they are an oppressive communist country who tried to invade South Korea, that and they are in direct violation of a treaty they entered into with Japan, South Korea, and the U.S. which stated they would cease their nuclear weapons development. They were provided with technology to assist with their energy problems, if that's not trying to make "friends" what the hell is?
  11. Sheriff Fatman

    Sheriff Fatman Active Member

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    Sep 20, 2001
    That is trying to but someone off, not make friends. North Korea is not a wealthy country and is one of the few communist countries in an overwhelmingly capitalist world.

    Although North Korea did aggressively invade South Korea to precipitate the war, the roots of that conflict are ideological - the ideologies of Soviet and US occupying forces, not indiginous conflict.

    Mending those rifts isn't going to be easy, and certainly isn't going to be achieved through saying "if you agree not to develop you weaponry to a par with ours, we'll help out with your energy crisis."

    It bothers me that hostile countries have nukes, but nukes are a fact and I can't see the lid being kept on them indefinitely. Their existence would bother me a lot less if there was less hostility. Our governments could lower the hostility levels if they tried hard enough.
  12. Darkwalker

    Darkwalker Member

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    Jul 30, 2002
    Why should we extend that courtesy to a country who doesn't honor it's agreements? How can we begin to trust a nation of that genre? They're the ones who fucked up to begin with, regardless of who was pulling the strings. They must take some kind of responsibility for their actions.
  13. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

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    Nov 10, 2001
    The North Korean official then shocked Kelly when he said "something to the effect of, 'Your president called us a member of the axis of evil ... Your troops are deployed on the Korean Peninsula ... Of course, we have a nuclear program,'" according to the senior source who has been briefed on the meeting.

    That's what you get for running around calling everyone terorists :) George might learn that one day. You threaten a country, that country's not going to lie down and take it.

    Besides, what did you expect them to do? The reason the US wants a peaceful resolution: They've got the nukes already. Not developing them, not trying to get them, but HAVE them.

    So while the US is concerned about Iraq, they took their eye off the ball and someone else got nukes first.

    Blowing them to hell and back won't achieve diddly-squat.

    Umm... The same way everyone lets the U.S.A. screw them over with trade agreements? Breaking various promises here and there hasn't affected you yet.

    US: We want a world with free trade.
    Australia: Can we sell our lamb to the US?
    US: Ummm.. Sure. With a 400% tarrif and a quota limit though.
    Australia: Ummm... What about free trade?
    US: Hey, just be thankful we don't nuke you.

    Japan: Can we sell our steel in the US?
    US: Ummm.... No. Your steel is cheaper than ours and our steel unions don't like it. Let's face it, the steel workers are voters and you're not.
    Japan: Is it our fault your steel is overpriced because of inefficiencies in your steel mills?
    US: Ummm.... YES! It's all your fault! It's all your fault! It's all your fault!


    Yeah, that's what we keep telling the US. USA never listens though...
  14. tzehoong

    tzehoong New Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 31, 2002
  15. Hel Khat

    Hel Khat New Member

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    Aug 27, 2002
    All I have to say is RIGHT ON DARKWALKER!!!

    At least someone is willing to tell it like it is instead of making excuses for a bunch of war mongers! N. Korea is in no danger of being invaded by anyone, they are not under attack and they have a binding treaty.

    Yet there sure are lots of "logical" and "excusable" reasons for them to lie to us while accepting our help. I mean God I don't see why some folks don't just pack up and move there if they think they are so "good and freaking honorable" I don't care that they are a poor country, so is freaking Ethiopia! I don't care that they are communist, I care that they are LIARS, I care that they are aggressive and that THEY threaten their neighbors. I mean we are talking about countries that kill and experiment on their own people invade their neighbors and there are geniuses out there that want to say "Er... well if you would just listen to THEIR side it's understandable..." :eek: The same people were saying the same things about Hitler I bet. Well instead of all this Psycho Babel how about this:

    This is reality don't like it tough. but if you sign a treaty and WE honor it you had better also. In the US Armed Forces there is a term known as "NO EXCUSE" and I think it applies here, we help countries they stab US in the back and we have "Allies" that say well try and understand them.

    That is the biggest line of bull I have yet to be feed. I understand that these people will fry my ass while my allies are stalling me and trying to get me to understand them.

    Now we have TWO countries that sell weapons to other enemy countries that are trying to create Nucs, all this while we are trying to understand everyone. Things keep getting worst and we STILL have those who want to keep there heads in the sand while we slowly begin pushing up daisies. That's what I Understand.

    One word comes majorly to mind over and over again:

  16. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 10, 2001
  17. Settler

    Settler Member

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    Jul 6, 2002
    Stop the pain.
  18. tzehoong

    tzehoong New Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 31, 2002
    You know, that absolutely has to be the longest post he's ever made (flame threads excluded, of course). Of course, it's still hard to make sense of with his juvenile English, but look! Only one inappropriate smiley. Maybe he'll make a sensible post soon. Say in five years.

    GULLABLE. Able to become a sea bird?
  19. Sheriff Fatman

    Sheriff Fatman Active Member

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    Sep 20, 2001
    No, he made a lot of long posts in a thread about the military tribunals about a year ago. He's never been in danger of saying anything sensible though.

    His latest one DOES have some classics, though. I nearly fell off my chair laughing at the "if you like them so much, why don't you move there." I reckon Bush should give that little gambit a spin with the UN.

    I bet Darkwalker is just so glad to have someone like that speaking up for him.

    It isn't a courtesy. It is a way of lowering the increasing threat of nukes being used in a terrorist action against you. It's self-preservation.

    I disagree that they fucked up by themselves. Some of their problems stem from the USSR and the USA dividing up their country along the 38th parallel at the end of WWII. If the USA and the USSR weren't entering a cold war (part of the cause of which was the USA's communism paranoia), they'd have had just one occupying force and would have been a united country.
  20. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

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    Nov 10, 2001
    Just to make sure that the message is perfectly clear, Hel Khat:
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