Couple questions

Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by M@de in China, Nov 23, 2002.

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  1. M@de in China

    M@de in China New Member

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    Oct 29, 2002
    1. Magnus PE is labeled in red as if he was scarred or something what's wrong with him and how can I help him get his Perception back up?

    2. I got the crystal ball gave it to that one lady, she died, now what do I do with it?

    3. I got a bunch of books, notes letters, telegraphs, etc. and what can I do with them? After I'm done reading them do I just toss them away. If not which ones should I keep and which ones should I toss?

    4. I'm at Tarant and have did almost all of the quests (except for a couple which I will go back to shortly and those Underground theives because I want to stay Good) and I'm still only at level 11. Is this normal?

    5. What can I do with all those gems?

    6. Is the max followers CH/4 rounded down?

    7. Where can I unload all of this junk I have in Tarant where the stores are so specialized that finding and selling all of your items that are worth something takes forever. The general store takes most of it, but not some of the more expensive gear.

    8. Why doesn't the reaction modifiers change with your followers? I've gotten the constable in Shrouded Hills (is that it?) to go past 100, but that Orge or half Orge that I picked up in Shrouded Hills stays at 55, and that's with 10 Beauty and that blessing I picked up.

    9. Is there a time limit on the game?

    10. What is a good combat skill for a mage? Melee or Bow? Or should I avoid them all together and concentrate on magic? Note that I have the miricle operation so I only have 4 St, and I think 4 Dx (I raised one of them a bit)
  2. Luchaire

    Luchaire New Member

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    Jun 27, 2002
    He's probably wearing a helm of some sort... Most of 'em lower perception.

    Sell it. Keep it. Use it as a bowling ball.

    Toss 'em. Store 'em. No use for 'em.

    Depends on how you play. Myself, by the time I'm done in Tarant, Black Root, etc I usually end up between lvl 15-20.

    Sell 'em. Save 'em. Some are useful at certain altars...


    Junk dealers buy just about anything.

    Not sure exactly what you mean here. The reaction of various followers changes according to your actions, whether or not you fumble and smack them in combat alot, etc.

    Not that anyone has ever reported.

    With 4 ST & DX I wouldn't try getting into combat! For one thing, you can't raise your skills...
  3. Ferret

    Ferret New Member

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    Sep 28, 2001
    1. check his helmet. They often detract from perception.

    2. Go back to the other lady. She'll give you a blessing.

    3. Give them to a follower (Virgil usually) as some are necessary to advance the plot. Or, you could put them in a chest somewhere, so you know where they are incase you need them again (do this with the ones already used anyway).

    4. Unfortunately, yes. Quests don't give much EXP in this game.

    5. Sell them, except for a ruby, a krathorn crystal and the heartstones. You can use them for the main quest and gods offerings.

    6. Yes.

    7. You can sell most things at a junk shop, but at radically lower prices than you'd get elsewhere. You can put skill in haggle though, so that at expert you can sell anything to anyone.

    8. Perhaps he doesn't like your actions much. Each follower has an alignment liking, and if you get too high, or low, they dislike you, and may leave. Also, killings things that they don't approve of (such as Magnus...with anything) lowers their reactions to you.

    9. No. Unless your parents boot you off the computer after a certain time limit.

    10. Get DEX, and put into magic colleges, such as force, fire and black necro. The harm, fireflash, jolt, lightning and desintegrate spells are the most powerful in the game. A bit of melee can't hurt either, incase you get caught short of fatigue potions, but you won't need much - especially with that strength.
  4. M@de in China

    M@de in China New Member

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    Oct 29, 2002
    Speaking of which, I think I found "Togg's Alter" what do I do there?

    Where is the one in Tarant located?

    Virgil's reaction was at 65 (Curtious) or so when I met him and it's still 65 now after going through 10 lvls with him.

    Are you serious? I have been avoiding combat all together so far but it's get quite boring lunching a few spells and going into retreat, may this also relate to my low lvl?[/quote]
  5. Lagash

    Lagash New Member

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    Nov 20, 2002
    The Torg Altar is one of the Altars for the Pagan gods in Arcanum if you put a Ruby in his altar he'll raise your strenght or constitution I don't remeber, but if you make the offer to him first then some gods may not accept offerings from you. There's a way to make offerings and accumulate them, the explanation is in Tarant's University in the room right to the Phrenologist.

    In Tarant there're two junk dealers, one is in the Boil, a halfling in green pijamas, and the other in front of Madam Lil's stablishment, near a lvl40 Half Ogre is a guy with a table full of junk.

    Unless you hit your NPC's or do stuff that goes opposite to their alignment, the reaction will NEVER change.

    If you're too weak to fight melee, a bow would be perfect, you can use the bow of Ecclesiastes (sp?)... well the Master Bow, but the magick bows suck, at least most of them, the only one I like is the Pyro Bow, but is tech.
  6. Shadygrove

    Shadygrove New Member

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    Aug 29, 2002
    You can put the crystal ball back on the gipsy's stand. It opens like a chest.

    One of your quests is to clear a warehouse of rats. The warehouse is a great place to store stuff.

    Magic users need willpower to use spells & CN to power them. The Miracle Operation background reduces CN. It's two spells then faint at early levels. I use that background for gunslingers.

    All the quests? I can go from 7 to 12 or 15 in Tarant without killing much other than a few rats.

    You don't lose allingment by killing evil people. At least not if they attack first. "Honest officer, I just wandered into their hideout to have a talk, maybe share a bottle of wine, & they came out swinging. What else gould I do?"
  7. Canis

    Canis New Member

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    Nov 17, 2002
    Recently, Dog was killed during a particularly nasty battle that I didn't care to reload for. After raising him from the dead, his reaction went from 50 to 100. I wonder if that works for other followers.... I've got half a mind to send them all into battle naked just so they'll end up liking me more. But that wouldn't be very nice, would it.
  8. Lagash

    Lagash New Member

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    Nov 20, 2002
    What do you mean by raising him from the dead? You resurrected the Dog or just made it an undead? Because everyone thanks you, if you resurrect them, the first time, and that might improve their reaction, but making them undead...
  9. Canis

    Canis New Member

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    Nov 17, 2002
    I used a scroll of resurrection (or whatever it's called) on him. I didn't make him into the Undead Hound of the Baskervilles. :D
  10. M@de in China

    M@de in China New Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 29, 2002
    About those offerings, can I make more than one offering to get more than one blessing?

    Do mechanical spiders and such stay with you until they are destroyed?
  11. Shadygrove

    Shadygrove New Member

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    Aug 29, 2002
    Yes. As a mater of fact, doing that is called the God Quest & it is the biggest puzzle in the game. Go to the university & talk to the Elf Phd. He is studing the old gods. He will give you a book. Read it. Look at the chart on his wall. Print it out. Study it. Or just run a search here.

    Basic format. You must sacrifice to 4 minor gods, in the right order, & their blessings accumulate. You then sacrifice to one major god & that blessing replaces the 4 other blessings. (Major gods' blessings boost more than one thing.) The major god blessings accumulate so you can have 6 god blessings in your book, the first two major god & the last 4 minor god blessings. But you realy want to trade them all in for the ultimate blessing at the end....
  12. Gavla

    Gavla New Member

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    Sep 24, 2002
    Keep a Kathorn Krystal!
    You really want to keep a Kathorn Krystal!
  13. Evil Assassin

    Evil Assassin New Member

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    Jun 11, 2002
    1. He's probably wearing a helmet. But magnus doesn't need pe so it doesn't matter

    2 Go back to madam tussads to get the location of some random stolen painting (47 mulligan bone alley) or if you've found it +1 charisma.

    3 Put them in an inn in a chest somewhere, incase you need them

    4 Yes about normal but why do you want to stay good

    5 sell them but keep a kathorn cystal unless you have lots of persuasion and charisma. Also you might want to use a couple in altars

    6 yes

    7 junk dealers of get expert haggle

    8 because it doesn't, but your followers reaction doesn't relly matter anyway.

    9 no

    10 stick with magic but raise dex abit more (why did you pick miracle operation - it's a gunfighter background)
  14. M@de in China

    M@de in China New Member

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    Oct 29, 2002
    Because at first I thought fatigue was based on willpower, not constitution
    and I'm playing a good character just becuase I want to keep my followers (which may/maynot change once I get Master of persuasion)

    BTW I got a new character

    Human, Miricle operation, Firearms Expert (Firearms maxed out), Persuasion Expert (Persuasion about 60% full), and currently lvl 13 and I have only the cities Tarant and Shrouded Hills.

    Now is the Max followers still 5 even if you have Expert persuasion (exper persuasion is +1 follower)
  15. Shadygrove

    Shadygrove New Member

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    Aug 29, 2002
    The folower limit is CH/4 + 1 for getting Expert training in persuasion. Max limit, 6. But there are three free humaniod followers & a free Dog. That makes 10 before Familiars, Arachnids, or Automations.
  16. M@de in China

    M@de in China New Member

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    Oct 29, 2002
    who/where are the 3 free followers (humanoid)

    BTW the dog rocks! (Although I wish he didnt' do so much damage, less xp for me) Is it supposed to be another referance to fallout?
  17. Evil Assassin

    Evil Assassin New Member

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    Jun 11, 2002
    I know arronax and dante can join you for free but I can't remember the other.
  18. Shadygrove

    Shadygrove New Member

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    Aug 29, 2002
    Dante & Jormund need a folower slot to join up, but if you ask them to wait & rejoin, they no longer fill one. Thorvald, the Dwarf who runs the Isle of Dispair, will join with no follower slot. (Persuasion > 2, 22 level or better.) Ask him to wait outside the Wheel Clan, go in & talk to the guards, go back out & get him & he is yours forever.

    I didn't even count Arronax as he comes so late.
  19. M@de in China

    M@de in China New Member

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    Oct 29, 2002
    Ah, but those only seem free because you're abusing a bug. NW, I'll stick to dog
  20. xento

    xento New Member

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    Jun 18, 2002
    I HATE Arronax as a follower! He stinks! He is weaker then Virgil!

    He should be able to do some of that "lost magick" like Kerghan!

    When I get him, all the enemies attack him first, and kill him; cutting off my nice little Vendigroth slide!
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