Celeb DM - The Christmas Debate

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DarkUnderlord, Dec 10, 2002.

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  1. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

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    Nov 10, 2001
    Welcome one and all to the Christmas Debate! In the blue corner, we have a long time member, retard. retard's last debate with ThreeDogs ended most unfortunately, so this will give him a chance to prove his stuff against his opponent in the red corner, M@de in China. M@de in China is only new to the forum but has proven to have at least some kind of intelligence, above and beyond the intellectual capacity of some of our other members.

    A most appropriate question has been created for our contestants after much deliberation. The question, formulated from several hot topics that are currently raging across the vast depths of the chamber of this House of Lords, is as follows:

    Would a questionnaire about an Arcanum MMORPG held during the Christmas holidays be more feasible when based in London or New York and what city would Jesus, under Islamic law, prefer to login to said MMORPG from, would the size of his monitor affect said MMORPG if he was drinking cordial at the time and does this have any bearing on the processes of pig insemination and on whether or not we are alone in the universe?

    Please take note, this question is many tiered. It has many, complex aspects, designed to thoroughly test our contestants to their fullest.

    I will now give a reminder of the rules in this contest (Old forum members please note, there is a slight difference in these new rules, mainly being the 5 posts each, rather than the old one week limit).

    Each poster is allowed 5 posts in the topic. The first contenda to post gets to pick the side he wishes to debate. The other contenda will have to choose the opposite side of the debate and argue that point. Of course, the person who posts first misses out on posting last. The other contenda will be have the Final Postâ„¢.

    It should play out something like this:
    DarkUnderlord makes topic (this topic)
    A - Chooses to post the argument "for" or "against" (Post No A1)
    B - Has no choice and posts the opposite argument (Post No B1)
    A - Posts reply (A2)
    B - Post reply (B2)
    A - Posts reply (A3)
    B - Post reply (B3)
    A - Posts reply (A4)
    B - Post reply (B4)
    A - Posts reply (A5)
    B - Post reply (B5)

    A poll in this topic is then created by myself, DarkUnderlord. Forum users choose the best Christmas Debater by voting. Once the Christmas Debate is over after both contendas have made 5 posts, the contendas and the users can comment on the Christmas Debate (this is during the poll period). Was it a good topic? Did it work well? Who made the best point? The worst point? Etc...

    No-one else is allowed to post in the topic while the debate is on. Only once the debate is over is posting by other users allowed. The poll runs for a week and once closed, the winner is announced. Shazam!

    With that said, let the Christmas Debate begin!
  2. M@de in China

    M@de in China New Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 29, 2002
    It would be more feasible when based in London during the Christmas holidays because generally the citizens of the USA are considered "lazy", especially the gaming community.

    A city inside the country of Kuwait would be safer for Jesus and the citizens of that country because of Kuwait's strong diplomatic ties with the western world (esp. the United States of America where the predominant religion is christianity)

    The size of his monitor will affect his ability to play the said MMORPG, but since he was drinking cordial at the time the effect will be minimal because his overall ability to play will be more severe.

    In mathematical terms it is similar to where x is his ability to play in a percentage
    (.5 * x)/100=Playing with small monitor while drunk
    (.5 * x - 1)/100=Playing with a larger monitor while drunk

    Yes, because of this is an application of Chaos Theory where one thing, however unrelated, will effect another.

    As a side note this is my 100th post ever!
  3. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 7, 2001
    DarkUnderlord, thank you for picking me to participate. I'm sorry to dissappoint, but I'm afraid I don't feel comfortable debating in that topic. When you asked if I wanted to participate, I didn't know that you were referring to the monstrous question above. As I said, I don't feel comfortable taking a role in that particular debate. Perhaps later, on a different sort of subject.
  4. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 10, 2001
    Well that's a fucking disappointment. :( But not to worry ladies and gentleman for we have a new contestant who is both willing and able (IE: Won't run away like a scared little girl) to take chickens**t's place and debate. We will continue now with Icairus vs M@de in China in The Christmas Debate.
  5. Icairus

    Icairus New Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2002
    When it is in quotes followed by a superscript it is outside information, check superscript to find out the source

    It would be far better to hold it in New York because the citizens of the USA have a leader who is insane and will probably make a pre-emptive attack on Andorra if it were to be held elsewhere.
    Instead of London, well New York's population is: "19,011,378"¹, while London's population is a mere: "7,375,065"¹, thus a much higher number of people could participate in the New York survey. Besides, Arcanum is much more popular in New York with approximately "456,234.886"² people buying it there, while only 34.1886² copies sold in London. Besides the government in the USA is: "federal republic; strong democratic tradition"¹ while the government in the UK is a "constitutional monarchy"¹

    Of course, Kuwait is not actually under Islamic law, the government is a: "nominal constitutional monarchy"¹ Islamic law would be like Iran: "theocratic republic "¹ That does a little killing M@de's point. If I should stick to Islamic law countries, he would prefer Yazd, because that is just an awsome name for a city.

    The size of the monitor would not affect his ability to play said MMORPG for two reasons.
    1. He is dead, it is awfully hard to play an MMORPG when you are dead
    2. Assuming he came back, he is the son of god, which means that he could perform a miracle to allow himself to see what is going on, no matter the size of the monitor.

    Nope, pig insemination is not related to MMORPGs, unless you play the pig insemination MMORPG (not involved in this discussion), which hasn't even begun Alpha testing yet, although I am sure DU has got his grubby little hands on a copy.
    Does it relate to whether or not we are alone in the universe? No. We aren't, because either I am alone in the universe and you are all my hallucinations, or we are not alone in the universe because there are currently 4, wait, (hears bang in the background) 3 aliens living in my attic.

    ¹Actual Data, first from the census people in the respective countries, then from the CIA factbook (might be a little biased towards the USA, but that is not relevant in this discussion, it only makes the government statement about the USA mildly funny)

    ²Data I just made up - guaranteed to be wrong, how you sell a decimal of a copy, the world may never know
  6. M@de in China

    M@de in China New Member

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    Oct 29, 2002
    For starters the larger population of New York City does not make a survey there more feasible. Although there would be a much larger sample size that we could draw from it would be highly unlikly that we would have the resources to take advantage of that. The resource I'm talking about is the all might buck. Surveying people costs alot of money and much of the money used to send/pay people to give surveys would be wasted because as I said before American's are considered LAZY and would either throw away the survey or tackle the surveyers.

    Kuwait is actually under Islamic law, but only limited, the original question did not suggest a TOTAL Islamic law structure, therefore it cannot be disqualified thus the best choice for Jesus.

    1) We are assuming he is alive today
    2) Many people (over 50%) do not believe that Jesus is the son of God. Therefore the statment is pure opinion and speculation and cannot be used as evidence.

    But you see there is a relationship between pig insemination, whether or not we are alone in the universe and to the said MMORPG because you are forgeting (or ignoring I can't tell which) Chaos. Everything and everyone in the universe is intertwined because, as the song goes, "it's a small world". Everything effects everything. For example:

    MMORPG player, DU, works at a pig insemination clinic. Since the game is such a blast DU ignores his work and pig insemination science is put back several years.

    Please not that this is only an example and I don't know if DU does or does not work a pig insemination clinic.
  7. Icairus

    Icairus New Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2002
    Assuming you are correct in your outrageous stereotype, Americans are Lazy, this means they are a far better target audience for the survey. It means they are far more likely to play an MMORPG, because lazy people mess around, playing video games, instead of working. It is also generally considered less work to just answer the questions than to tackle the surveyor or throw away the survey.

    Actually, speaking of what the question asks, it is referring to which city, New York or London would be preferable under Islamic Law, this means that neither of our responses has anything to do with the question

    OK, we are assuming that he is alive today, and that he was born circa year 0 CE. This means that some form of miracle must have occured in order to bring him back, and if a miracle brought him back, there must be a god, and if god were not Jesus's dad, God would be mighty pissed at the claim that Jesus was his son. So, God would not bring Jesus back to life, so Jesus must be the son of God for the purposes of this debate.

    You have forgotten, it is the chaos THEORY, which, last time I checked (I could be wrong) is the idea that everything is random, not that everything is interconnected. That is the Holistic approach to the universe, everything is just a series of chemical reactions setting off other chemical reactions, causing everything to happen.
    However, perhaps I, and the voters, do not subscribe to the theory of everything being interconnected. Perhaps there is no spoon. In order to bring our friend Jesus, discussed earlier, there must be a God, or with your theory, some seriously F#$%ed up chemical reactions that reverse decomposition and bring him back to life (this seems about as likely as Bush's war on Iraq being fought with attack Dodo birds. (Don't suggest that to him, he might try it)(or as likely as the leader of the free world is to be able to safely operate a pretzel)
  8. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

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    Nov 10, 2001
    *cough* Erm... M@de in China?

    You've both made two posts... Another three to go. Hmmm... Maybe a 1 week limit would've been better? Ohh well...
  9. M@de in China

    M@de in China New Member

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    Oct 29, 2002
    Sorry about the wait everyone, and yes a 1 week response time would be a very good idea.

    True, because we are lazy people play more games, but once again you bring up the idea of sample size. More people are not necessarily better because of the money it requires to reach them. Also since when is thinking less work that ignoring somethin? Also you don't understand that people don't think logically. When I was performing phone surveys I was yelled at several times. Sure I might have been at fault, but wouldn't it require less work to calmly tell me no and ask not to call again?

    No, if you read the question again, you notice the word "and" which indicates a break and thus a totally different question. But get back to the question, not the grammer of the question.

    Similarily what if Jesus wasn't brought back to life but through some miricle of early cryogenics is brought back to life, or what if we make a time machine to bring him back. Or maybe he jumped into a star ship that traveled 99% the speed of light and decided to finally come back to earth. Your outrageous reason's aren't the only explainations, thus he doesn't necessarily have to be the son of God for this argument.

    Yes, Chaos is just a theory, BUT it is accepted by most of the scientists around today. The reason why it is only a theory is because it is unprovable just like the Big Bang and Evolution, but to say it is wrong because it is theory is wrong.

    We are both wrong on this point, but I'm more right. According to the following found at http://www.marxist.com/science/chaostheory.html:

    Basically it means that seemingling random events change seemingly unrelated events. Also there is a difference between randomness and chaos found here at http://www.santafe.edu/~gmk/MFGB/node2.html:


    With your logic if popular opinion was against "Gravity" it would make that untrue. Just because people refuse to accept it doesn't make it any less true.

    BTW I don't appreciate being called M@de in a Sweatshop!
  10. Icairus

    Icairus New Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2002
    You are not forgiven

    This is where you are wrong, you see, if a higher percentage of the people you ask are in the gaming community, it is going to take fewer surveys to reach the same number of gamers, who would give useful responses to the surveys. Besides, money for the survey was not an issue in the question, we were not given a budget.

    The word and does not mean a totally different question. If it were a totally different question it would be a new "sentence." You see, instead of placing a conjunction there, DarkUnderlord would have simply placed a "question mark" in the appropriate place, showing a new sentence. An "and" means that there is an unstated relationship between the two.

    Early cryogenics? We are still on early cryogenics, cryogenics in year zero would have been bringing him to the north pole, and hoping he froze.

    It does not matter, your application of the chaos theory was just to gain an easy way out of two parts of the question. That is not actually an issue relating to the question. It is your job to "respond" to the question, and I am then to refute your point. However, you could not even "respond" to the question.

    Ah, but didn't you say:
    Thus, according to YOU popular opinion DOES matter, it affects what is going down in the universe. Popular opinion is just as disbelieving in chaos as it is in that Jesus is the son of God.

    (sarcastically)Oh, I am so sorry, maybe you should run away like a little girl (retard)
  11. Icairus

    Icairus New Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2002
    You are not forgiven

    This is where you are wrong, you see, if a higher percentage of the people you ask are in the gaming community, it is going to take fewer surveys to reach the same number of gamers, who would give useful responses to the surveys. Besides, money for the survey was not an issue in the question, we were not given a budget.

    FYI: grammar, not grammer. Evidently, your comprehension of the English language was "M@de in China"
    The word and does not mean a totally different question. If it were a totally different question it would be a new "sentence." You see, instead of placing a conjunction there, DarkUnderlord would have simply placed a "question mark" in the appropriate place, showing a new sentence. An "and" means that there is an unstated relationship between the two.

    Early cryogenics? We are still on early cryogenics, cryogenics in year zero would have been bringing him to the north pole, and hoping he froze.

    Time Machine? Speed of light ship? We have come nowhere close to making either of these. The time machine, just a bit too ridiculous of a notion. The speed of light ship is far more likely, but how would it be there in the first years of CE? That would be proving we are not alone in the universe, which happens to be my point, not yours.

    It does not matter, your application of the chaos theory was just to gain an easy way out of two parts of the question. That is not actually an issue relating to the question. It is your job to "respond" to the question, and I am then to refute your point. However, you could not even "respond" to the question.

    Ah, but didn't you say:
    Thus, according to YOU popular opinion DOES matter, it affects what is going down in the universe. Popular opinion is just as disbelieving in chaos as it is in that Jesus is the son of God.

    (sarcastically)Oh, I am so sorry, maybe you should run away like a little girl (retard)
  12. M@de in China

    M@de in China New Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 29, 2002
    Don't have time to come here anymore, so I hereby formally forfeit.
  13. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 10, 2001
    Isn't that nice?
  14. Qilikatal

    Qilikatal New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 22, 2002
  15. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 5, 2001
    Holy shit, the return of DU! And Fan Made Fallout, man I remember signing up for that. How is it going?
  16. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

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    Nov 10, 2001
    I wouldn't call it a return. More of a passing through, see what's happening. As for Fan Made Fallout, it's going the way of most other giant internet based modding projects, slowly. Very slowly. Lack of tools (decent map editor) and things means we're ponly focussing on the story at the moment. We're going somewhere, I'm just not sure if we'll ever actually get there though.
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