Is it just me, or are people getting really really horny? I get on at least 3 times a day or so, and everytime I'm on, some unkown person messages me saying stuff like "See me nakid!" and stuff like that. It's getting annoying. Has anyone else been having these problems? All of this started around the time of Winter Break, so mabye people are bored, but nothing like this has happened before.... Who knows...
Those are bots. They're not real people. Surprise! Real people don't bother IMing complete strangers to advertise their porn sites! (They set up a bot to do it for them...)
You use AOL??!! What version do you have? Maybe you should switch to Juno or NetZero? They are both $9.95 and are both often comared to AOL on television. Also, do you play many multiplayer games? I read that AOL users are the main cause of lag for most multiplayer games. I'm not sure why, I just know that they do.
Not all AOL users are idiots, but most idiots use AOL. On a side note, there are several dozen "vampire chats" running even as we speak on AOL.
Ah, the stupidity. AIM (AOL Instant Messenger) does not require you to be an AOL subscriber. Something like Trillian (can't be bothered providing a link) would let you use AIM, among every other internet chat program, including your precious MSN messenger.
Jarinor - it's fun to have Trillian and AIM open at the same time, with different names. That way you can tell when people sign off and when they just blocked you. Al - Um... a chat about vampires? Like all chat rooms, however, it's undoubtedly filled with porn bots.
There is only ONE reason why I use AIM, the reason is to chat to friends and stuff. I play games online and stuff, so I chat to people online and I want to stay chatting to people online, so I got AIM. At first I hated AIM, but I joined a clan on StarCraft, and everyone used AIM, so I decided to get it to chat to all of them. I like Yahoo and MSN a lot better though. I also have ICQ, but I rarely use that, it's lags my computer a lot....
I've only recieved one porn ad on AIM, but I get at least 1 a month on my ICQ. I'm guessing the "Vampire Chats" Etalis Craftlord mentioned are chatroom RPG's for Vampire: the Masquerade (the White Wolf game). I've found Trillian works quite nicely, to -- you can run AIM, MSN, ICQ, Yahoo!, and IRC all at the same time, but it uses only a fraction of the resources you'd normally use if you ran all 5 of those programs seperately.
Actually... I think those are chats for actual people who are interested in/think they are vampires. Freaky people in those chat rooms. And the lesbian chat rooms, I highly doubt there is a ever a girl in there. Just horny guys who are imagining they are a woman having sex with another woman... who is actually a man. fun huh? AIM is fine for me. I never get messaged about porn sites... the occasional link pops in from one of my sick friends. (by the way, do NOT go there!). All you have to do is tweak it to get rid of those damn annoying ring sounds and that window that pops up and your all set. I used to use trillian... but there was one reason that I didn't like about it, forgot what it was though. Anyway, thats good if you have friends on different messenger services.
It's stopping now, I guess it's only around Christmas time when those pop up a lot. Girls must like me, eh? Anyway, it's over now. I didn't have any problem with it during Christmas of 2001 because I didn't have it then. I got it like a month after or so, I did some cleaning up with it and stuff, so I hope I don't have much problems anymore.
Their statistics tell them that you are very likely to be desperate enough to click on whatever link they send you.