Hi. =) I've posted on other various forum's regarding Virgil, but still I can't seem to find him. I've killed the Hall of Records clerk so even if I did have the paper which told about Virgil's brother, I wouldn't be able to ask for any more information. However, I was told this didn't matter and so after Ts'Ang, when Virgil left, I knew to look in the O place in the back room, and then in the basement. I also killed the two guys in there before Virgil left, so I can't ask them about any information regarding Virgil. He's not in the O place, or in an inn, or in the graveyard, or down below the O place, the sewers and in the temple (all in Caladon). Can someone give me a way to find him? I've pretty much searched everywhere and I miss Virgil.. :-?
hello Val-U-Pak, welcome to the house of lords :wavey: try doing a search in the forums about this, i think it's been discussed before, but if you've searched for him and still can't find the S. O. B. then you just might have a bug (i know, it's a shock aint it?) in which case move on and find some one better (it won't take long) for your healing needs, good luck and enjoy your stay.
Hi. :grin: I'll search the forum's for this, but in the case I have the bug (currently on the original version) do I just download the patch and keep playing on my saved game? :-? I'll be mad if I can't find Virgil -- I loved him. :cry:
you..... you liked virgil?.... what are you drunk?.... i suppose you like magnus too?...... i'm sorry there's just no hope for you my friend, the only thing that can save you now is repeatedly banging your head against a wall and chanting "i'm a dirty little monkey boy". oh and get the 1074 patch asap, it'll help fix a lot of issues.....
Isn't Virgil in the basement of the Sobbing Onion? I know! Look for him in the Crash site! ...being the place where he starts it wouldn't be strange to find him there... But the truth be that he might be lost for ever, ever, EVER! You can use Raven as a replacement if you want healing.
I know this was only very recently mentioned in another thread, but sometimes Virgil gets stuck in the trees outside of Tsen-Ang. I always like to have a convenient pre-Virgil-freaking-out save to go back to just in case. Course, if you're not even patched, that could cause a whole host of other issues I'd rather not imagine.... And I don't think just getting another healer will serve the same purpose. It's VIRGIL we're after, not some walking Band-Aid dispenser. Feh.
Hmph! I like Virgil brcause he doesn't freak out when I kill someone good, and always heals me... and he's the first one I got! I /hate/ Magnus and Smythe, and I'm sure Raven will start irritating me but she hasn't yet. I'll go check in the trees.. EDIT: Yah, what Canis said! It's Virgil!
Ah, yes, that's the good thing about Virgil. He's the most loyal follower ever. Will never complain about anything! ... ... ...not like Magnus... he doesn't like that you lockpick doors...