Run you fucking rats, run.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Darkwalker, Feb 6, 2003.

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  1. Demosthenes

    Demosthenes New Member

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    Oct 31, 2002
    in an ideal world, there would be no killing and no war. unfortunately we live in the real world. looking at the wtc bombings, and other al qaeda plots they killed innocent civillians. to me this justifies action by the united states to prevent further attacks on the united states or other countries. the united states isnt acted alone in this matter, we are receiving intelligence aid, confessions, and prisoners from other countries around the world who are suffering from the terrorist acts of al qaeda. i do not think that the slaughter of terrorists will solve the problem that the united states and other countries are facing. ideally, the terrorists would be tried in court, either civillian or military, and sentenced, but if the terrorists are killed, the threat to the united states and other nations is reduced. the goal of the war on terror should not necessarily be to kill every single terrorist, but should to safeguard nations against terrorist acts. i pray that a solution can be reached without the destruction of those who oppose us, but defending innocents is necessary.
    to those who may bring up past wars as an example: the war on terror is not the same as those. the slaughter of vietnamese civillians by united states troops during the vietnam was horrible, but a different circumstance than this.
    as to what snowmane said about people who kill thinking that those they kill do not matter, i would point out that in the terrorist example, it is not necessarily true. the effects of the wtc bombing came from the fear of further attacks. the terrorists knew that the people they killed mattered and that fact would help them achieve their goals. most general statements have exceptions to them. of course ive no doubt made several general statements in this post. im sorry if my views offend anyone or if you cant understand what i wrote, but it is 2315 here and i did not sleep much last night.
  2. Ring lord

    Ring lord Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 4, 2001
    i dont have the patience to read all that but i'm sure it was deep. :lol:
  3. xento

    xento New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 18, 2002
    Aye, me as well...

    Oh well... Maybe I'll have the patience next time...
  4. Demosthenes

    Demosthenes New Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 31, 2002
    i myself do not have the patience to read it again
  5. Serak Vulnar

    Serak Vulnar New Member

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    Dec 11, 2002
    How come people in other countries think the USA is so bad and evil???? We have helped more countries and done more for our fellow man than any other country. We send financial, medical, and military aid all over the world. Remember Somalia?? We were there to help the UN bring in the warlords. Our guys got killed and dragged through the streets. We spend billions of dollars to help other countries and the rest of the world spits on us. Osama Bin Laden is a fucking coward. All terrorists are fucking cowards. They kill innocent people and use the terror they cause in an attempt to force their will and beliefs on other human beings. The more terrorists we kill, the less there are to threaten our way of life and endanger other people whether they be American, British, Israeli, Australian, Japanese, Canadian, or anywhere else, even Arabic. I am an American, proud to be an American and anyone who doesn't like me because of it or my country can kiss my Red, White, and Blue ass!!!!!
  6. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

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    Aug 5, 2001
    America have also directly and indirectly done almost as much harm as good. Think about South America, and what it has done there alone. That's why people are anti-American, because if it doesn't agree 100% with their views, they'll fuck that country up untl a leader who does agree with them is in power, no matter how corrupt.
  7. Zorque

    Zorque New Member

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    Feb 5, 2003
    One thinks they do this to get on the good side of said countries, or put into power someone who they have more control over.
  8. Qilikatal

    Qilikatal New Member

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    Feb 22, 2002
    Hey remember vietnam? Or have you met those nice children in Iraq that dies because of lack of medications and the fallout from your depleted uranium missiles?
    You send money all over the world? To who the guys who does as you say and who buys weapons from you? Then we have the great support you give to the arsholes that is in charge in saudi arabia. They keep most of the money for themselves and their people are in general poor. Great people i say.
  9. Serak Vulnar

    Serak Vulnar New Member

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    Dec 11, 2002
    Q, have not read your history? The French were in Vietnam before us. The childern in Iraq die because Saddam doesn't spend the money he makes from black market deals that were banned by the UN on medications, but buys weapons. And depleted uranium missiles??? If the uranium is depleted, there is no radioactivity, so no fallout. One of the princes from Saudia Arabia help finance Al Qeida. That's why the mayor of New York City told him to stick his money where the sun don't shine. The Saudi royal family has been in power for many generations, way before they asked us to save them from Saddam and liberate Kuwait.
  10. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

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    Aug 5, 2001
    Serak Vulnar, you are one dumbass motherfucker. The US enforces trade embargos and blockades all around Iraq, which stop medicines the civilians there need from getting in. Thousands of children die each year because of these measures, but hey, it's all Saddams fault isn't it?

    As for the depleted uranium, it's still uranium! And uranium is STILL radioactive, or it wouldn't BE uranium. Do you understand even the basic concepts of chemistry? Notwithstanding a documentary by the BBC or some shit I saw last night which showed some of the burnt out tanks that were still radioactive, and still poisoning the people in the surrounding areas.

    And what has the Saudi Royal Family got to do with your rant? The Tudors have been in power far longer, and besides, those princes pretty much act of their own accord - if they're not in the government, then they don't speak for Saudi Arabia do they?

    Yes, the French were in Vietnam before the USA, but did they make you go there? Did they make soldiers shoot and rape the civilians whose freedom they were supposedly fighting for? I think you ought to be the one consulting the history books, instead of getting all your information from the "Today in History" section of the fucking newspaper!
  11. Serak Vulnar

    Serak Vulnar New Member

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    Dec 11, 2002
    I have an apology to make. I was wrong on my knowledge of depleted uranium. It is radioactive. I admit it. I was wrong.
    On the Saudi princes, I have no idea which ones are involved in the running of their goverment, but the royal family RULES the country. I brought up the French in an effort to point out that we aren't the only ones who have been involved in Vietnam. As far as what our troops did, no country is without miscreants. There are horrors committed in every war. No country has clean hands in that regard. The UNITED NATIONS have sanctioned Saddam, not the US on their own accord. The US and British help enforce the no-fly zone. The French and Russian goverments have admitted to back door deals with Saddam. But it wasn't for medications. The US have not blocked medications. The trade embargo is for limiting military supplies and supplies that can be used to make WMD. Saddam has had over a decade to comply with the UN. He still refuses to comply and plays a cat and mouse game. How much time are we supposed to give a dictator who has used chemical and biological weapons on his own people?
  12. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

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    Aug 5, 2001
    Actually, that no-fly zone is done solely on the initiative of the British and US. It has absolutely no UN backing. It's just they've been doing it for so long, no one can be bothered protesting anymore.

    You're also forgetting one important factor in this whole Iraq thing - pride. He may be a ruthless dictator, but he still has his pride, and while Iraqi's may or may not like him, they still have pride in their country. Would YOU be willing to allow UN weapon inspectors to go through your country, demilitarise to levels your enemies deemed appropriate and have trade embargoes enforced, and take all that lying down, without even a peep? I tell you, any country you ruled in such a fashion would be kicking you out of the top position pretty damn quickly.
  13. Jinxed

    Jinxed Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 13, 2001
    What Jar says is so true, for the first time in T-A history I couldn't agree more with his post.
  14. Qilikatal

    Qilikatal New Member

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    Feb 22, 2002
    Israel have hgad 3 decades to complky with un, how come we have not attecked them. Let uss say that you are not an american you are from iraq.
    Now what if your country was one of the greatest countries in your region, best helt care system, kids were in general happy people here was rich, best schools in the whole area, ony problem was this dictator, but you were living better than in the reast of the surounding areas. Then when you attack this small backwater country next to you, you are attacked by the same people that have supported you for years, the US. You are attacked bombed and sanctioned. You know that the UN is practically run by the us and that the US are the guys that has pushed this through, you know that they also support the israelis in their represion of the palestinians. But the americans say that this is your chance to get rid of your dictator, so you rebel cause you think the americans will help you, but they stop their forces before they get saddam, and therefore the revolution is stopped and a lot of peoople is killed.
    Then after the war wich has huge casualities you are still under a trade embargo so there is not gettting in any medicines, the nuclear dust from the missiles kill a lot of people, cancer amongst children and ordinary people explodes, US and GB puts out this huge no fly sone all over your country, the living conditions goes down dogs run in the streets, and all thanks to the US adn its lapdog GB i guess that will create a love for those countries?
  15. Jinxed

    Jinxed Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 13, 2001
  16. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 7, 2001
    That's hilarious. I don't get the frame on the very right, though.
  17. Zorque

    Zorque New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2003
    I think that's the symbol of the UN
  18. Serak Vulnar

    Serak Vulnar New Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 11, 2002
    What does Israel and the Palestinians have to do with the US and Iraq? The PLO has publicly said that they intend to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. In my opinion, Israel has been extremely easy on them. They only attack the Palestinians when the Israeli people get suicide bombed.

    "Let uss say that you are not an american you are from iraq.
    Now what if your country was one of the greatest countries in your region, best helt care system, kids were in general happy people here was rich, best schools in the whole area, ony problem was this dictator, but you were living better than in the reast of the surounding areas. Then when you attack this small backwater country next to you, you are attacked by the same people that have supported you for years, the US."
    Saddam attacked Kuwait and occupied it without provication. Kuwait asked the US for help. We weren't the only country who had troops that helped liberate them. It was an international coalition. We were the main supplier of military forces.
    Q, I don't understand how you can say we run the UN. If we ran it, then wouldn't Germany and France be backing us whole heartedly?
    We did screw up in the Gulf war by not taking Saddam out like it seemed like we would. He use his chemical weapons to put down the Kurds in the northern part of Iraq. They died cause we left the job half done.
    Look, most of the men in my family have either been or are currently in the US Armed Forces. Quite a few of us have served in wartime, including Korea and 'Nam. I have no illusions about war. It is a horrible thing. Since Sept. 11, 2001; the majority of Americans feel that we have to strike first. We perceive Saddam and his WMD as a viable threat. If we go to war, people on both sides will die. Soldiers and civilians. But to not act and risk a possible terrorist attack that could equal or surpass the one on Sept 11., the possibility outweighs the reality of war with Iraq to most Americans. Many people lost family and friends in New York and Washington DC. "hit them before they hit us" that's the prevailing attitude. If other countries and people can't understand why we feel this way; I simply don't know a better way to explain it.
  19. Immortal_Wombat

    Immortal_Wombat New Member

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    Nov 30, 2002
    "That big rectangular building is a mosque, do not engage"....then later...."There's people coming out of the mosque! Get them!" aaah hilarious, and it's like "one of our big fuck off bombs didn't quite kill that one guy HIT HIM AGAIN" magical, it's films like this that make me glad i'm not on the recieving end of that, altho it has given me info on what to do if faced with an american throwing bombs at me: if you're in a religious building DON'T GO OUTSIDE, if they're shooting at you PRETEND TO BE DEAD, that is all.
  20. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

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    Nov 10, 2001
    As Qilikatal said, Israel is defying a UN resolution. Something about Palestine being able to be their own independent state. The US is moving in on Iraq for "defying UN resolutions". Why not do the same to Israel?

    Yeah, yeah, yeah and various different groups of Israelis want Palestine wiped off the planet too. Do we believe them and attack Israel? Kill everyone just because of what one or two groups have said?

    Yeah, and the Palestinians only suicide bomb when they get attacked. Which came first?

    Kuwait were drilling sideways into Iraqi oil fields. Iraq kicked up a diplomatic fuss about it internationally, dick squat happened. Iraq decided to do something about it, so Iraq invaded Kuwait.

    "If we had succeeded in overthrowing Saddam, we would have confronted a choice between occupying Iraq with thousands of American troops for the indefinite future and creating a gaping power vacuum in the Persian Gulf for Iran to fill." That is, unless an alternative strong man replaces him, overthrowing Hussein will lead to Iranian hegemony in this region or simply invite a confusion of multiple conflicts among the Sunnis, the Shiis and the Kurds, making it too risky for the US to manage the situation by its long-term military presence. On the other hand, by crippling Sadam Hussein without removing him altogether, it was possible for the US to contain Iran and intimidate other Gulf countries into relying on it. This kind of hegemonic structure built by a "divide and rule" strategy also applies to the case of Israel and Palestine both of whom have to depend, in the end, on the US for their security."
    Brent Scowcroft, national security adviser, 1991. "Why We Stopped the Gulf War," Newsweek, Sept. 23, 1996, p. 3.

    ... and because the US gave them the weapons in the first place.

    Right... The world's super power is scared of a guy with a funny hat, who has a missile range of about... 150 kms? Meanwhile the US can strike any country in the world. If that's the case, there are a lot more countries that should be on your hit list as possible "they might attack us" threats.

    What a great idea! Blow all the fuckers up first!! Which countries are next?

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