Evil Jormund???

Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by Solaris, Feb 20, 2003.

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  1. Solaris

    Solaris New Member

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    Nov 10, 2002
    Ok, here's the story. I pick up the free, but fairly useless dwarf mage Jormund, who starts with an alighnment +25 (good). In order to try and put this cowardly weakling to ANY practical use I eqipped him with the Dark Helm to raise his MA. The Dark Helm reduces the wielder's alighnment by 20. Now after a not very long period I decide to check up on Jormund's stats (to find out if he can use a certain sword)... and his alighnment is -15 :-o . Weird. Alright, I don't need evil fellows in my party right now, so I take the helm off him. Jormund's alighnment...remains-15. I put the Dark Helm back on him- his alighnment goes down to -35 :-o .
    Now of course there is a possibility that I'm seeing things, but hallucinations of myself and my roomy can't be identical, can they? So someone PLEASE tell me if its a bug or if the Dark Helm is supposed to work in such twisted way? I'm not patched and not modded by the way, playing the game the way I got it.
    Another Q: I never did Stringy Pete's quest before so I didn't even know what the guy looks like. He seems to carry some magc stuff (a helmet, a shield and a sword) that makes ALL his resistances go above 70. Part of it is probably because he is an undead, but its still tempting to get that stuff off him. Does anyone know what exactly he is wearing and if those things are worth spending fate points on stealing (I don't want to kill him before I finish the quests). Also, after I do the quests, will he vanish with all his stuff or be still avaliable for killing?
  2. Canis

    Canis New Member

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    Nov 17, 2002
    1) IIRC, the Dark Helm really works that way, even in a patched game. I used it when I was playing an evil character, and my alignment dropped so fast I nearly... well, no, I can't say that, that's obscene. :D I think it might be a bug.

    2) I don't know what Pete's wearing, but he DOES disappear when you finish his quests. Might wanna save, steal his stuff, see what it is, then reload if it's garbage.
  3. Solaris

    Solaris New Member

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    Nov 10, 2002
    Hmm, might be useful. I could shut Magnus up by reducing his alighnment and making him a notorious blood thursty killer. Evil Dante, evil Raven- ohh the possibilities :D
  4. Lagash

    Lagash New Member

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    Nov 20, 2002
    If you put that helm on Magnus he'll become magickal, so beware.

    And yes the glorious Dark Helm works in that twisted way. It makes you more evil and magickal on time. Just as *ahem* the Scourge makes you evil. There's nothing wrong with the helm at all.

    About Pete. Don't do his quest or he'll send you to destroy the best sword on Arcanum! :( But also killing him isn't good either. You know Stringy Pete is the most difficult battle in the game. Kerghan is William Radcliffe compared to Pete and his crew. <--- You'll have to deal with pirates that are as strong as him if you decide to battle him. Of course with disarm it'll become much easier.

    The pirates have reaper axes, and Pete has an Arcane Sword and I think an Arcane helm too.
  5. mihawk85

    mihawk85 New Member

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    Dec 19, 2002
    probably you clicked on the helm more than one time...for example,if you check jormund's equipment and click on the helm for 3 times,it would probably raise his evil alignment for 3 times,so you would get a jormund with -35 or something like that... :-o
  6. Solaris

    Solaris New Member

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    Nov 10, 2002
    If I give the Scourge to my follower, will it make him evil as well? I'm an archer so I won't use the thing myself, but if its that good I could give it to Dante...
  7. Lagash

    Lagash New Member

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    Nov 20, 2002
    Of course they will, Solaris.

    Oooh... I think I bore people with these game stories, but at least they're useful to explain things:

    I was trying to stay evil, but doing good quests, so everyonce in a while I hit some stuff with the Scourge to keep myself around -30. I had Torian in the party; I gave him the sword and then he started becoming more evil (he's -20 at the beginning) and at some point after hitting some enemies he quit my party and said "I will not follow someone who walks the path of righteusness".

    Well, he says that when you go above 20 alignment. But it seems that he had become so evil that I wasn't evil enough for him, so I had to become more evil to make him re-join or... load the game.

    Ok, now the important of this, is that you could give the Scourge to your good followers and make them evil, then they'll tolerate your evilness more than before.

    Ex: Dante has +20 and will leave if you're -10
    But if you make him (for ex.) have 0, he'll leave when you're at -30.

    This is just a theory, but seeing how good it worked with Torian, maybe you can use it to your advantage. :)
  8. Shadygrove

    Shadygrove New Member

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    Aug 29, 2002
    Janya will not tolerate a leader who is more than 40 points more evil than she is. After - 15 alignment, she is too magic for a Pyro Axe. Tollo Underhill will not tolerate anyone less than -20, but I forget his alignment %. It does not supprise me that Torian will get to the same place after a while. Gar, equiped with the Scourge, gets to 100% evil, but still sticks around, even with a good aligned leader.

    If you want to Dark Helm Magnus you need to catch him early. He becomes too tech for it to work rather quickly.

    Both Jormund & Dante can use a boost to MA. Jormund will follow an evil leader, even without the Helm. It is best to pick Dante up while you are on the good side of the line, dark Helm him, & then get the hedgewizard's statue for the thieves. Thats about 20 evil points IIRC.
  9. Contemptus

    Contemptus New Member

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    Feb 23, 2003
    You can do all or some of pete's quests and then come back and kill him without talking to him. In a straight up battle, he's very hard to kill.

    However, I've found two ways to make it easy:

    1) Disarm (already mentioned)

    2) master prowling/gunfighter

    Ask your party to wait, then sneak up and take called shots at all of thier arms until they drop their weapons, then let you party come back and take them all out.

    BTW, Pete also has an Arcane shield.
  10. Lagash

    Lagash New Member

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    Nov 20, 2002
    That's very clever... I know the disarm trick... but the prowling one sounds good as an alternative.

    It's just more difficult, but possible... I think. :)
  11. Contemptus

    Contemptus New Member

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    Feb 23, 2003
    My tech theif female half elf says it's possible.

    Her companions (virgir, an arachnid, and an automoton at that point) waited by the grave while I took shots for what seemed like forever.

    In retrospect, I should have used the sharpshooter's pistol instead of the handcannon to save ammo, but then again the HC is more efficient in terms of damage and I have absolutely no idea how the chance to knock a weapon from someone's hand is calculated.
  12. Shadygrove

    Shadygrove New Member

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    Aug 29, 2002
    With the right battlemage or technowarior, you can just take them on, no disarm or tricks. Potions of Haste do help both, & I think TBC is necessary. Most consider it the hardest battle in the game. It would be eaiser if Raven would shoot arrows instead of turning into a useless blob of jello. Someday, I will try solo with a backstab & prowl Master.[/i]
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